Dirty Hands

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Orange rays paint the sky as Helios' chariot pulls the chariot back towards his temple. Artemis returns to Marathon and brings out a totem of a musical note.


His totem glowed.

"Sister, what is it? What did you find?"

"Is Dionysus with you?"

"He actually went back to Delphi. He had to leave before he hurt someone."

"Apollo, I talked with Briseis and she had a vision I need to share with you", she urged.

"On my way."

At Mt Delphi, a wooden dummy is thwacked repeatedly. Pieces of wood scatter from the heavy blows inflicted upon it. Dionysus visualizes the foreigner in place as he holds back his true strength. He couldn't kill him because of his father's wishes, but he can at least spill some blood beforehand. Anything for Mina.

A knock on the side of his door interrupts his next blow. The servant bows before giving him a goblet of water and a plate of grapes to help with his sobriety. The deity ingests the grapes with trembling hands and takes a swig of water. 

The withdrawal and Ares' betrayal crack the goblet from his grip.

"I'm sorry about that", he apologized. He uses his aura to fix the cracked goblet and gives it back to the servant.

The servant leaves promptly. Dionysus goes to his room which has an empty wine cellar. Looking at it makes him crave wine. An empty bottle lays near it that he picks up. Although it was washed out, he can smell the leftover acidity of his favorite drink. He licked his lips......before throwing the bottle at the wall which shatters into pieces.

NO! You made a vow and you will see it through. Do it for her.

A haunting memory of the past conjures in his mind as he sits down on the bed. Him and Apollo training Mina for the role as Oracle. Apollo was playing on his panflute while he drunkenly provided an aura barrier to help her concentrate. She wrote on an empty scroll and finished. She shows it to them.

The deity of wine couldn't help but laugh.

"Artemis falling in love? Is that even possible with her vow?"

"I don't know, but we shall see. Good job, Mina", Apollo congratulated.

Mina embraced Apollo before giving Dionysus his own. The deity was thrown off guard as his goblet spilled over. Apollo readied a musical note to protect her since he's protective over his drink but found that he was still. 

To Dionysus, it felt good to him. He embraced her like a father would hold their own child. And now she is dead.

That reminder leads him to destroy the large wine cellar with his bare hands and feet. All that is left is the broken pieces of wood. He lays in bed and wraps his arms around his torso. He tastes the sodium flowing down his face as he cries himself to sleep. 


On a street in Athens,

Daedalus is returning back to his home with Icarus behind him.

"You did great today, father."

"Thanks to you, my son. Let's eat well tonight. I know you will have a great time with Daphne tomorrow."

His son's face turns crimson upon hearing her name. The architect chuckles.

"I'm proud of you, my son. Just don't make me a grandfather yet."

"Grandfather?!", he stammered.

His unfocused mind went through the possibilities which renders him speechless. His father pats him on the back.

"Don't worry about that. I'm glad that you two are happy together. Just enjoy each other's time and company."

Icarus comes back to reality and flashes a smile at his old man. The smile turns into confusion as a hooded woman is waiting at their door.

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