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Takashi is resting in bed with wet towels covering his arms and legs. He breathes in and out slowly while twitching from the side effects. One of Artemis' hunting dogs is by his side to comfort him.

He had just finished another shock therapy session with Medea. He thinks back to it......


"Keep going! Give me your worst!", he yelled at Medea through his teeth.

Perseus quickly wielded his shield as Heracles gripped the club. Artemis got on all fours to rescue him just in case.

The witch pushed a strand of white hair away from her face. "Are you sure?"

"I won't let him win! Tap into that anger!"

Medea shuddered. Wrath would take her to a dark place. Still, she won't let him down. She imagined the time Jason betrayed their love by leaving her for another woman. Her shame from accidentally killing her newborns while depressed.

Shame, jealousy, sickness, and anger fueled the circle, making sparks fly everywhere. Taki raises his green body shielding to its highest level without going into FF3. A magical lightning bolt charged from her strongest emotions before it's unleashed.

He screamed as his nervous system lit up for them to witness. He clenches his core to avoid collapsing to the floor. Medea saw his limit and tapped into the love that Medus has for her.

Her next spell stopped the process. Takashi's badly burnt body was caught by Artemis before he fell. She touched his jugular and he's fortunately breathing. His rabbit hopping heart was quelled by his demigod abilities. However, he was slow to heal.

Heracles, Perseus, and Artemis combined and imbued their energy into his body......

New skin formed over with residual burn marks as a reminder. His heart returned to a steady rhythm.

Takashi coughed from catching his breath. Medea hid her trembling hands in fear that she almost killed him.

Artemis laid him in bed with extra pillows for his head.

 "I'm so sorry. I didn't expect it to be that strong."

Artemis grabbed Medea by the robe. "You're lucky you didn't kill him."

"Let--her go", his body twitched.

His niece listened to take care of him. She dumped clean towels into a bucket of water before placing them all over her uncle's body to cool him down. He lets out a long exhale from the cold blending with the warmth.


"Uncle Taki, it's too soon to talk", Heracles told him.

"Your lightning magic was----close to his. Let's do it again after tomorrow."

She raises a hand. "Are you stupid?! I almost killed you and you want to go through it again?"

"We will do it on my new form to see how it holds up. I will be ready by then."

She was stunned by his tenacity. Is it because of his divine blood or something else? Whatever this man has suffered through before, he refused to let tragedies repeat themselves.

She decided to stay with them to monitor his health. After some time and another check by Artemis, no one had to worry about him.

"Can one of you get my phone from my bag? I want to do a voice message with everyone involved."

"Phone? Voice message?", Medea was puzzled for a bit before something settled in.

Artemis knew exactly what he's talking about as she fished it out. Medea's eyes popped open from recognizing the device.

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