1_Terrifying don

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I would rather be my own tyrant than someone else tyrannize me.
Henry Flagler.


Song_ abcdefu by Gayle

The path which leads to my house was narrow and bushy. People hardly pass there except some group of students . It was the easiest way home from school when trekking.
I was from a family who couldn't afford my school fee and transport fees, I was on a scholarship and had to trek to and fro everyday.

That fateful day, my friends had left me back at school cause I had something to do prior to my position as head girl. I finished fast and was busy packing my books in my bag when "the don" walked in. He walked past me and went to sit on the seat behind me. I was feeling some sort of fear because he came in with his friends, the guys gang as they are called.

Daniel aka "the don" was from a rich family and could do whatever he wants, no girl has ever said no to him before as he was handsome and generous to his girls. He was also a bully and fights every day. He had been suspended many times, and they were rumors that he takes drugs and was sent to rehab center for 2 years abroad before coming back,so he wasn't someone I would love to be alone with, his friends weren't any better, tobi Adams aka tboss is Daniel's right hand man, he agrees with anything Daniel says without any interference from his side, from what I heard the both have been childhood friends and their parents are also friends, as the saying goes birds of the same feather flocks together, their other three friends aren't any different. Steve onyekachi happens to be the clown amongst them but beneath his humorous demeanor is a devilish scheming guy, he's the mastermind behind every fight his friends are involved in, he plan the revenge strategies for any of their victims, the master strategist as he likes to be called, and the last duos, the twins in the gang, Raymond and Richard wellington,known to the entire school as the devilish twins born to a Nigerian mother and a British father, are the horrible twin have ever meet, Richard is the two faced one, always portray the gentleman amongst his friends, Raymond is the daredevil between the two brothers, he loves weaker student been afraid of them, he bullies them at will, no one could say anything to them or report to the school authority because it means more problem for them, they were unstoppable.

Suddenly I felt a hand bashed my butt bringing me back from my reverie, I turned and out of anger ,I slapped him, I wasn't that kind of girl that would take such nonsense. He held his cheek in surprise, his friends rush to attack me but he stopped them
"I will deal with her my way" he said ,I hissed and walked out with him watching me ,he said or did nothing.

Little did I know it was going to be the worst day of my life.

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