38~ pregnancy announcement

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Everyone was made to have a happy ever after, everyone except me, long before my niece and nephew were kidnapped, my dad insisted on me going back to school for my masters, in as much as I didn't want to,I know I had no much choice, my dad was obsessed about quality education, I only had to stall for some time.

The kids got discharge from the hospital today, Silas came to visit them, I couldn't stop my beating heart, I was really in love with him,he looked good in his three pieces suit, I learnt from Sonia, he already started handling things in their company, and he's on a firing spree, sacking almost all the workers there.

He exchange pleasantries with Audrey and her parents, gave the kids the present he brought for them, took a quick glance at me and left.

I was hurt a bit,the man I love shows little to no interest to me and that hurt like shit

But not to worry,am pretty sure it's because he's busy right now, that's why he isn't paying attention to me, I will have to do the chasing myself.

The week that followed, Clara was convicted to court, without further Ado, she was sentence to a mental asylum, because she was medically diagnose to having a mental condition and it's mainly because her family begged for mercy from the king's family, and she's a first time offender, so the charges against her were dropped, but viper and his boys has been wanted for so many crimes, and finally they are behind bars and won't be getting out soon.

Audrey's house was jam-packed with reporters everywhere, they wanted even the slightest piece of news, anything to get to the front of their papers, they was no way, they could go out without been harass by reporters, Daniel stepped in and threatened to sue them and shut the media they represent, if they don't back down, some adhere while others grumble about freedom of press and all that shit, but they couldn't come out to the open again.

They have also been a slight change in Daniel's relationship with Audrey, they are almost like strangers again, I know it's because of the misunderstanding between them, I do hope they get back together soon, they're one of my favorites couples.


"Silas, how are things going" dad asked , we were seated in the living room after dinner, listening to news and interacting with one another, Silas got himself an apartment, somewhere around lekki, not like I Know the place anyways, he said he's too grown of a man to be living with his parents.

"It's fine, everything is going on well" he answered.

"I learnt you fired the staffs there, they've been dedicated to the company for years" dad continued.

"Reason why your company was at the verge of bankruptcy, your honest staffs has been stealing from the company and you didn't notice, all it took me was a day to see it, your insight is really poor, am suing your former accountant general for embezzlement of private funds, please don't interfere" Silas said curtly, dad was embarrassed, but was quick to hide his annoyance.

"That's why you are here my boy,we can always count on you, your dad will focus on recuperating while you take care of the company, newsflash everyone, your dad is retiring" mum said in all smiles.

"Wow, that's great, congrats dad, it's has been an achievement for us all this year's, it's time you get the rest you deserve, how about you guys go for a vacation" Sonia said excited.

"Yeah, we're thinking of that, we planning on after the new year celebration" mum replied.

"And the company, who's going to take care of it?" Silas bewildered, the poor guy didn't know this was a trap to get him back to Nigeria and stay close to his family.

Youthful Sin (#1 In Sin's Series)Where stories live. Discover now