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If you have no will to change it,you have no right to criticize it.
Mark Twain.


Song_damage by tems

Finally our external examination came by, I performed extremely well in the jamb exam,I was grateful to God. I always wanted to be a doctor and I felt like that was the first step in achieving my dreams. Daniel was of course the highest in the whole state entirely and it got me wondering how he have time to read considering the fact he is always partying, smoking and fighting all the time.
Few days to our waec exam I fell sick, I just didn't know what was wrong, first from sleeping all the time to feeling tired and nauseous. During class one day when the chemistry teacher was revising on how to answer exam questions I was busy sleeping.
"Audrey....Audrey" she called and my seatmate tapped me.
"Yes ma" I answered wiping my lips of drool
"Why are you sleeping in my class" she asked vex. I didn't know what to say, I could feel every ones eyes on me even Daniel, I hiss and faced the teacher.
"What!!! Are you hissing at me" she said
"No ma...am not hiss...." I tried explaining but she cut me shut "come out here" she ordered. As I walk out to the front of the classroom, I felt my legs shaking, they were jelly ,it was as though my legs just couldn't carry my weight and I was feeling dizzy,everywhere became black as I pass out.

I woke up to find myself in the school infirmary.
"How did I get here"I asked no one in particular
"I brought you here after you pass out in class" I heard daniel's voice saying,I looked up and saw him standing. I was about asking another question when a nurse walked in with an envelope in her hand.
"Audrey Andrews" she called.
"yes ma " I answered
She sized me head to toe in distain and asked "how old are you"
"Seventeen" I answered wondering why she was asking.
"Seventeen and you are already pregnant, what is wrong with girls nowadays" she said "what!!!" I yell, my heart was pounding really fast already."what do you mean by that"i asked,she didn't reply she just threw the envelope at me and left. I opened the paper to see six weeks pregnant, I didn't know when I began to cry.
"Audrey...."_ Daniel called , I looked at him in anger and shouted at him.
"What, are you happy now, you bastard, you have ruin me ooo,my parents.... What should I tell them. My life is over"I lament in between sobbing
"Get out, I hate you so much, leave, get out of here"I yell and he stared at me for awhile before he finally left and at that moment I knew my life was in shackles.

Hey lovelies

So apart from me, who else wants Daniel's POV?

Daniel POV coming next.

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Have a nice day.

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