15~ break up

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The child is a beauty of God present in the world,that greatest gift to family.
Mother Teresa.

Song _ dusk till dawn by zayn malik & sia

We came back from church not too long ago,dad wanted to eat amala and ewedu which we prepared.
I headed back to my room to rest . I settled on my bed to watch a movie, after contemplating on what to watch I chose alchemy of souls, I heard it's a nice Korean movie, which I won't want to miss.
Halfway into episode one, Sonia called me.
"Hey babes awfa" she greeted cheerfully
"Hey" I replied my concentration still on the movie I was watching.
"How are my sweetie pies doing" she asked

"They're fine, how are you naah"I asked her as I pause the movie I was watching.
"Am fine oooo, Ben and I broke up last night" she said and I shouted "its a lie".
I just couldn't believe it, Sonia and Ben has been dating right from the university, they were the campus lover, everyone admires their relationship including me ,so them breaking up is so unbelievable.
"Believe am ooo, my dear" Sonia answered
"What happened between you guys"I asked her.
"OK so he has been giving me this negative vibes, but I chose to ignore it,I was even supposed to spend the weekend at his place, but he told me he was going to be out of town. Just yesterday, I remembered I dropped my worker's ID at his place, and I needed to get it back, so I went to his place,only to see a pregnant woman in his house, wearing the shirt I bought for him with my boyfriend groping her ass" Sonia explained and I could hear anger in her tone.
"Maybe she is a relative or something" I said trying to calm her down.
"Exactly, I met her before. He was having dinner with her in a restaurant after he stood me up earlier, only for him to tell me that she is his cousin sister from his mom side who recently got divorce and he was trying to cheer her up" she said .

"So what did he said when you caught them in his house" I asked.
"I didn't wait for his explanation, I just took my ID and left and the funny thing is he didn't even run after me to explain, only for him to call this morning telling me,she was a family friend, his mum friend's daughter to be precise and that he slept with her when he was drunk and things happened ,she became pregnant and he has to marry her".
"And he couldn't tell you all this while"I said feeling bad for Sonia. She is a nice person and don't deserve this.
"She is heavily pregnant ooo, like 7months and he didn't tell me,she even spends the weekend in his place, wearing his shirt. No wonder he is giving me those stinking attitudes, men are scum ooooo"Sonia said bitterly and I laugh.
"So how are you now"
" fine, I will be fine, I gave this guy four years of my life, all for nothing" Sonia murmur over the phone and I sigh.
"I meet Daniel yesterday". I said softly and she screamed, I had to take the phone off my ear, as the sound was deafening.

"Why are you screaming like a banshee" I asked annoyed.
"I was shocked naaa, where did you see him?what did he say?"she asked and I explained to her as she listened keenly.
"So he wants your forgiveness? What do you want to do now" she asked.
"Am angry at him Sonia, I hate him for what he did to me, the kids were so happy to see him, even up till now Nicole has been going around telling everyone her dad is back, and I don't want them to be sad"I said sadly.
"And they won't, just give him a chance to be a father to your kids, you guys just talk it out. But we won't be forgiving him without a proper apologize from his end abeg , you deserve it".
"What if he is just playing with my emotions, what if he leaves again, I can't let him close to my kids, what if he hurt them" I said anxiously, I won't buy the idea of him anywhere near my kids.
"Audrey",sonia called
"What, I checked him on the internet, they is nothing to write home about, he is still as reckless and irresponsible as ever.
He goes to every club in Lagos, he is always involved in a scandal with different women and he is still friends with tobi and the rest.
I don't want the type of character close to my kids" I answered.
"The internet lies most times, looking at the brighter side, he is the CEO of a multi billion company, girl use your sense naa ,he is loaded, besides speaking of irresponsible, do you think the boards of directors will let an irresponsible man be the CEO of the company if he doesn't have potentials. Maybe its all this press shading him black to sabotage his dad election, am a reporter we do that most times, to spice up our story". Sonia said in his defense.
"Are you my friend or Daniel's friend. You are supposed to be on my side" I yelled at her annoyed.
"Babes calm down naah,am not asking you to forgive him yet, just let him be part of your kids lives so he can shoulder most of your burden" she said
" i really don't know" I replied
"No one is rushing you, think about it. She said and I hummed in reply.


I kept calling Daniel, but he has been ignoring my calls, I won't break up with him, when am so close to having him.
Being Mrs kings has always been my dreams and I won't let anyone in the way.
I called Steve, at least he has to help me talk to Daniel, he is his friend, he will listen to him.

I kept calling but he didn't pick,I didn't stop.
"Don't you ever stop Clara, what is your problem, why do you keep calling when its obvious I don't want to pick" Steve said immediately he picked the call.
"What's that supposed to mean,why are you ignoring my calls" I asked vexed.
"Its simple I don't want to talk to you,don't call me again "he said as he made to cut the call .
"Wait, don't hang up on me. I have a favor to ask of you, please help me for old time sake" I pleaded,annoyed that am begging this arrogant fool,I will get back at him but let me become Daniel's wife first.
"What is it,don't waste my time" he answered
"Daniel broke up with me, could you please talk to him on my behalf, he has been ignoring my calls and he asked his securities not to let me into his house "I said in anger, I had come back from Paris immediately he broke up with me, but I couldn't see him.
"That's good news, at least Daniel has finally seen how promiscuous you are"Steve laugh over the phone
"What's that supposed to mean"
"Exactly what's you heard"he answered
"And are you any better,you sleep with anything in skirt, aren't you promiscuous! How dare you call me that" I shouted at him.
"Yes, but I regret sleeping with you, I so regret it. I told daniel, maybe that's why he broke up with you" he said and I stilled for awhile
"You told him about us that night" I asked shocked.
"Yes I did, we share other things but definitely not a woman, sorry my dear Clara, you shouldn't have seduce me that night" he said and hung up on me.
" how could he tell daniel about this" I kept saying as I cried
"I won't lose him,I have come a long way" I promised myself.

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