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Six years later

Sonia laid back on the bed as she stared at her new born daughter, she smiled as the baby turn and stirred in her sleep. After giving birth to her son prince six years ago,she had seven miscarriage in space of that years.

She felt her heart was shattering anytime, she bled her supposed children out, her husband would always feel guilty anytime she had any miscarriage, he kept blaming himself. When she found out she was pregnant with her eight baby, she had thought she would lose this one too, surprisedly she passed her first trimester, something that has never happened before.

"Hey baby, it's mummy, thank you for coming into our lives, daddy, big brother and I love you so much, my beautiful flower" she whispered and the baby smiled as if she understands.

" Hey, bestie " Audrey said as she came in with Kiara, in those six years, we have been even closer than before, with my two best friends been there and supporting me throughout those dark moment.

"How's our baby doing " Audrey asked she she gave me the bouquet of roses, she brought with her.

"She's fine" Sonia replied,at that moment, the men walked in, including the twins, Nicole and Nick, with little Elsa(Audrey's daughter) in Daniel's hand, she just clock two today.

"Hey Elsa ,meet your little sis who shares the same birthday as you" Audrey said to her daughter.

"Baby" the little girl chortled.

"Yes baby, baby sis" Sonia said, and glance at prince, who was staring at the baby in awe.

" Prince, would you like to hold her" Sonia asked.

"Yes Mummy, can I?" He asked excited,tobi help him held the baby, before she was passed to nick.

Nick gently caressed her face, and she opened her eyes, and shut it again.

"She likes nick not me" prince complained grumbling and everyone laughed.

"Of course, she's nick little bride" the adult teased the eleven year old nick, who was blushing furiously.

" I don't like her" he said, the baby in his arms cried out immediately and she was given to her mom.

"Nick just broke her little heart" Kiara said and everyone laughed.

"She's so pretty, got a name yet" Audrey asked.

Sonia and tobi said at the same time.

"C'mon babe, you promised I was going to name our next baby" tobi protest.

"I did say that, but doesn't she look like a rose flower" Sonia questioned.

"She looks more like royal to me" tobi answered back.

"Alright, royalty Rose Adams is the name" Sonia finally give in.

But no one heard when Nicklaus said "my princess" to himself and smile as he looked fondly at the child.

The happy moments was shortlived when the doctors announced royalty was born with a hole in her heart and might not make it to adulthood if she didn't get a heart transplant,and she's too young to undergo surgery at the moment.

Sonia felt the whole world was against her as she held her baby to her bosom crying.


Everyone gathered at Audrey and Daniel ten years, the couples look at themselves lovingly, In the pass ten years , lot of things happened like chief king won his election and governed Lagos for eight years, he was a nice governor and everyone enjoyed his tenure, they wanted him to run for president,but he passed away shortly after from colon cancer.

Kiara got married to her beau Silas after they dated for two years, she gave birth to a son Karl and said she was done giving birth as she couldn't bear sharing silas love with many people, crazy and possessive right?, And Silas respected her wish, they're loving couples,and respect each others decision.

Sonia and tobi are the shameless couple out of all, their public display of affection was just too much, they make out everywhere and all the time and doesn't care you sees them, just as they fight and quarrel a lot. They're always in a honeymoon mood, prince always has to go stay with his grandma lily or the afolabi grandparents, so his parents won't corrupt him. Sonia has been reprimanded several times by her parents but she and her husband just couldn't keep their hands off one another.

As everyone gathered for a picture, they realize royalty and Nick was missing.

Nick had his earphones on as he sat in his room,the noise outside was just ear deafening, why didn't there book an event center for their party and had to throw it in the house.
He likes the place quiet and serene, but his family were just too noisy, from his parents who teased and play with themselves like teenagers, or his sisters who bickers like parrot, God they talk too much, and everyone expect him to be like them.

"Nicklaus" he heard his name,and groaned, he looks up to see the Adams little spoilt princess staring at him. At four, royalty is the spoilt baby girl he has ever seen, anything she wants, it's handed to her on a gold of palate, either by her parents, or his parents or her godparents, Kiara and Silas, she just have to say it and she gets. He personally dislike her,she whined and cried all the time, and he finds that really annoying, and what annoys him the most was her stake of claim on him.
She calls him Nicklaus,and when everyone tries to get her to add brother to it,she would refuse and say she's doesn't want to be his sister, she wants to be his bride, and that just irks him.

"Nicklaus" she calls again,as she walks in with her ball gown and gloves, she's looking like a fairy princess from Disney world.

"What!!" He asked as a frown crawl to his face, he stood up in a hurry as she pick his books and swipe through as if she own the place.

"Don't touch that" he said as he grab the books from her roughly and the girl ended up tripping.

"Leave, go back to your mummy" he yelled and she began to cry.

"Stop crying" he said, this was one thing he dislike about her, she cries unnecessary.

"My chest hurts" she said as she held her chest area.

"Then go to your mummy" he said as he pulled her up to go.

"My chest hurts Nicklaus" she said again, he didn't pay heed to it, not until she held her chest rubbing furiously.

"Are you okay" he asked a bit worried.

At that moment, her mother who had been looking for her met them outside his door and hurried over to them.

"Are you okay, rose" she asked.

"My chest hurts mummy" she said and her mother was scared,she was taken to the hospital, that was when Nicklaus knew she wasn't faking it when she said she wasn't fine to him and he ignored her.

His father ended up scolding him at home, and the next week that followed he ask his parents to be send him to a boarding school.

Anyone enlighten me more about congenital heart disease , please.

And this comes to the end of youthful sin, thank y'all for your support,I 💙 y'all.

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