32~ dating

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I groan irritated at alarm ringing nonstop, I don't remember setting it on before going to bed, not like I have any where to go or anything to do.

I spread out on the bed, reminiscing about my life, I got to see my crush, I was really nervous around him, he's so manly and his cologne smells heavenly. How do I get him to notice me?. I really like him.

I took out my phone to text Audrey.

👥"Hey how're you?"

And she replied almost immediately.

👥"Am fine, sonia told me your crush is back" she texted back almost immediately ,am glad she's online.

👥"Yeah, I feel great and at the same time, I feel nervous" I replied.

👥"Don't be, okay "

👥"Yeah, are you coming for family dinner today?, It's mandatory" I texted.

👥"I don't know,am I invited to come, isn't it a family thing?"

👥"Seriously?, Don't let mum hear you, of course you are family, don't miss, mum is strict about family dinner" I advise.

👥"Alright, let's talk later" she texted, and that came to the end of our chat, and I felt lonely again.

Family dinner?, I thought sweetly,am part of the king's family?, Feels good.

Yesterday was a great night for me, Daniel and I are officially dating. I don't know if I made the right decision but I do know one thing, that's my feeling for him and his for me.

My phone beeps , a message from Daniel.

👥"Good morning babe, how was your night, mine was the best night of my life, cuz I got the most beautiful woman as mine"

And that got me feeling flustered, am I supposed to reply? what should I text back?, This is my first time dating, I guess I'll need some pointers.

👥"me too" I sent this short reply and I felt stupid. But he call me immediately.

" Good morning" I greeted first when I pick.

"How are you and my babies" he asked.

"They're still sleeping" I replied.

"And how is my super woman doing"

" Am fine, and you " I asked.

"Never been this fulfilled in my life before" he replied

"The guys want to meet you, do you mind?" He asked, and my smile stiffen.

We were silent for a while before I consent to it,I already forgave Daniel, the main offender, so I shouldn't keep a grudge with his friends any longer.

"Alright" I finally gave in.

"Thanks so much baby, this means a lot to me, I will pick you up later, please go with me to family dinner tonight" he said and I recall Kiara saying am a part of her family already.

"Alright" I said.

"I will come pick you up later, bye love you so much " he stated.

"Me too"

"Let hear you say it, c'mon" he push.

"I love you too " I said flustered.

"I could listen to that all day, you know what, you just made my day " I could feel the joy in his voice.

"Later " I said and ended the call.

I met mum already in the kitchen and dad reading his morning papers in the living room, my parents are early bird.

"Good morning dad, how was your night" I greeted.

"Drey my dear, how are you this morning " he asked.

" Am fine Dad and you" I answered

"Slept well" he replied as he adjust the glasses perched on his nose.

"Let me leave you to your papers" I said as I walked to the kitchen to meet mum.

" Good morning mum, up early as usual" I said as soon I saw her, she is already mixing flour for pancakes.

"How are you doing dear" she replied as she smile fondly at me.

"Am good, what should I help you with" I asked as I made to help her with the flour.

"I got this, help your dad with his coffee please " she said and I set to work.

"Daniel and I are dating" I suddenly said, mum and I are close and she deserves to know, after all she contributed to me forgiving Daniel.

"That's good, are you sure this is what you want" she asked.

"Yeah, I love him, I want to be with him" I stated

You have my blessings feat, you have gone through a lot and you deserve to be happy" she said.

"Thanks mum" I appreciate.

"But I will like to see him,I want to see if he loves you also, I don't care if he is the kids father, I won't let him hurt you again,my daughter is no pushover " she said and I laugh.

"Thanks mum" I said as I left to give dad his coffee.


Daniel came by later to pick the kids and I, he greeted my parents, and they ended up giving him a earful of how to treat me, not to hurt me and all, and I felt embarrassed but Daniel said it's necessary he gets scolded by my parents, because of his previous mistake,they are a bit wary of him with their daughter.

'daddy, I miss you" Nicole said as Daniel helped her to the back seat.

"I miss you too princess, you look more beautiful than I remember" he said and that's enough to get her smiling till we get to her grandparents place.

Daniel got in and suddenly I felt his lips on mine, I turned immediately to see if the kids were staring, but they were engrossed in the game they were playing on Daniel's phone, I turn to him and he gave me a sly smile.

Minutes later, we were already at the king's resident,am always marvelled at the beauty of the mansion, it's really breathtaking.

Mrs kings gave us a warm welcome as always, as we gather round the table, Daniel announced we are officially a couple.

"Wow, congrats, I saw it coming" Stella said and I smile shyly.

"Daniel, you better not hurt Audrey again, or you will have me to contend with" Mrs kings said as she pulled his ear.

"Ahhh, remind me not to sit close to mum ever again, the abuse is just too much" he complained as he rubs at his sore ear.

"Am just sounding a warning" Mrs kings said.

" I get it, your points is proved, no need for violence" he argued and she made to pull his ear again but he swiftly stood up and change seat, with everyone laughing at their dramas.

My apologies guys, have been having issues posting and i just resumed school and I have been trying to adjust, am not having it easy especially with my choice of course.

Have decided to update only on Sunday, I can update any other days am free, but sundays is going to be our update day.

Sorry about this, I will try to round up youthful sin quickly, so not to keep you guys on suspense.


Peace out✌️

Youthful Sin (#1 In Sin's Series)Where stories live. Discover now