18~first confrontation

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Happy Independence Nigerians, cheers to all our fallen heroes.

When a deep injury is don to us, we never heal unless we forgive.
Nelson Mandela.


Song_All of me by john legend.

I picked the kids from school, Nicole kept bugging me about her dad,but I ignore her, i parked in front a grocery store, I ran out of sanitary pad, and I really need it right away, I went in with the kids, its dangerous to leave kids alone in the car, and beside the twins are so naughty and cause troubles all the time.

I picked out the sanitary pad I wanted, virony, I love using virony pad to others, I move to the cashier counter to pay, when someone stretch his card behind me, "bills on me" I turned to refuse and saw Melvin. Remember Melvin? My trashy egoistical date from before.

"Hi" he smiled at me.

"hi, thanks for the offer but I can pay for my own things" I said to him.

"Yeah I know, but I want to apologize for last time, insulting you,that was uncalled for" he stated and I sigh,what's with all this apologies going around in my life right now.

"Excuse me, if you don't want to pay, please move away let others do so" a woman behind me yelled.

Melvin insisted on paying, so he did. I hurriedly left with the kids but he followed me out.
"Wait,Audrey am sorry " he said.
"Its fine" I said so he could get off my back.

"Yeah,thanks so can you unblock me now please" he asked, and I laugh, I had blocked him from calling me immediately I went home that day
"You have a very beautiful laughter" he compliment, and I remember when he said I have a beautiful smile.

"Mum,can we go home now"nick said and I turn to look at them,frowning and murmuring incoherent words.

"Sorry babies,say hi to this mister" I said

"Hi mister"

"Are these your kids?" He asked
"Yes,this is Nicholas and Nicole" I introduced.

"They're so cute" he compliment

"Thank you,OK bye see you around" I said dismissively.

"Wait, can we go out on another date, a more proper one" he asked nervously, I was about declining.

"Daddy!!!" Nicole yelled,her eyes dancing in delight as she sees Daniel coming behind us, "what is he doing here, I hope he isn't stalking me, what happens to his six month tight schedule" I thought inwardly.

Nicole ran off to hug him and they both walk to us together with her in his arms

"Hello" he greeted and gently rub nick head fondly.

Melvin's mouth was widely open as he stared in surprise.

"Go...od even...ing Mr kings" he stuttered in greeting, does he know him?

"Evening" he replied with all his attention on me, I was feeling uncomfortable with his scrutinising stares.

"Hello Audrey" he greeted and I nodded in reply.

"Sorry if am disturbing, am waiting for Steve to get here before nicole caught my attention, am not stalking you I promise" he explained hurriedly when he saw my frown

Youthful Sin (#1 In Sin's Series)Where stories live. Discover now