10~ bad memories

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Strong women don't play victim, they don't make themselves look pitiful, they stand and they deal.
Mandy hale.

Song_ little do you know by Alex&sierra

Seeing Tobi brought back memories, memories I wanted hidden deep behind me. That night dad had told me,he arrange for a blind date for me,which will be tomorrow. I really don't want to go, but its rare to see him talk to me,so as not to get him upset,I said OK.
"And that reminds me, don't go sprouting about those bastards of yours, I won't have it if you mess this up" he had said.
I was annoyed,am not really in a good mood today,and he wants to add to it ,I won't have anyone insult my kids
"Dad,am not in the mood to this ,could you please not call my children names" I pleaded clearly annoyed already .
"What are they if not bastards,who is their father" he thundered not stopping there he continues,"if you don't like the way I talk to you,you can take your kids and get the hell out of my house, I have tolerated enough" he added .I didn't say anything, I just walked away hearing mum calling out to me but I didn't reply.

I went to the kid's room to get them ready for bed, after bathing them,I tuck them in,ready to switch off the light ,Nicole called out"mummy".
"Yes princess" I answered
"When is our daddy coming back,when are we going to live with him, like somto and Jennifer do,they live together. I don't want to stay with grandpa any longer,he makes you cry and he is mean" she said and I bit back a sob,I didn't want to cry in front of them.
"Yes,henry says his dad takes him to the amusement park and other fun places and they have a lot of fun" nick said,clearly annoyed he has nothing to contribute whenever his friends talks about their father.
"And Jennifer's dad brings her to school everyday,and he let her ride on his back at home" Nicole added.
I didn't know what to say, how am I supposed to tell them their dad doesn't want them. I had told them he traveled, but as they grow they sense that their father's presence is nonexistent.
"Babies, your dad will be back before you know it, but for now just know mum is here and she loves you both very much" I said gently
"We love you too"they replied and engulfed me in a hug.
"Go to sleep kids,you have school tomorrow" I said and got up from the bed.
"Good night mummy"they said
"Sweet dreams babies" I replied,peck them and switch switch off the light. I close the door gently, sat on the floor and burst out in tears. Its hurt as if it happened yesterday, I am emotional stress and I was confused on what to do.
I love the kids so much,but my love isn't enough, I stayed like that sobbing when mum passed, she saw me and embrace me as I cried on her shoulder.
"Audrey, what is wrong" she ask softly as she soothes my back.
"Everything mum,everything is wrong,dad won't give me a breathing space, the things he says to me is enough for me to jump off the bridge. Yes getting pregnant out of wedlock is so disappointing especially when the father isn't owing up, but am not the first to get pregnant and I won't be the last ,why can't he leave me alone mum"I poured out my heart.
"Audrey, am sorry about your father, he doesn't mean what he says, you should know this by now"she said but she was wrong,he means what he says, especially when he knows it's going to hurt me.
"And the kids, they keep asking for their father,how am I supposed to them them he doesn't want them, long before they were born, am tired mum, am so tired I don't regret birthing them but I hate what Daniel did to me, I can't forget it and I don't want him close to my kids if he ever comes back" I said with so much resentment laced in my tone merely thinking about Daniel.
"Audrey, don't say that,yes he raped you but he left two treasures you won't stop loving because of their father's sins. And Audrey ,don't ever let your sadness clouds your judgement ,you are a strong woman and am proud of what you have become,I have watched you over the years, you aren't that venerable girl of yesteryears, you have become a backbone of two little children and they are depending on you don't ever forget that. People will say a lot of hurtful things to you but don't let them get to you baby girl, okay?"
"Yes mum, thanks for your kind words I lifted my spirit" I answered truthfully
"Its alright, wipe your tears it going to be OK, you will see" she said as she tighten her grip on me,we stayed like that for awhile before I raise my head to ask.
"Do you think he will be thinking of us"
"If he has a conscience, he will" she answered.

Hey peeps, how are you all doing?.
So we will be expecting a new character, totally different from what I had in mind, but then I lost my draft book, I just don't remember where I placed it. So the story setting will be different from what was in the draft book, in fact I like this one more compared to the previous one.

So let brace ourselves, as e dey hot.

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