29~ love at first portrait

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Nobody believes in love at first sight until that special person comes along and steal your heart


I bury my face into my pillow as I cried, my boyfriend and I broke up, rob has been acting up for a while now, he didn't wish me on my birthday, no text, no gift, heck no calls, only for me to stumble upon his photo with Candice on Instagram.
Roberts and I have been dating for a while now, of course none of my family members knows about him, they'll disapprove for sure, especially my mum,she will say he is white and am African, my friends in school don't really like him, because first he has tattoo all over his body, he smokes and party or maybe it's because he hits me most of the time, but it doesn't mean everyone doesn't make mistake, my brother for instant also has a tattoo, which he did without our parents approval, he smokes, even took drugs before and he raped someone before, but everyone overlook that, and gave him a second chance,that's why I believe Robert also need a second chance.
We met for the first time in school, I was like the only African Nigeria girl in our department, the other kids were racist,they keep talking down on my skin tone, rob stood up for me, he was a transfer student, we became friends and weeks later he asked me out, which I accepted because I enjoy his company.

My roommate warned me against him, he is a fuckboy, they had said, they always see him with Candice, the school beauty queen, but I care less.

Not until I came across their pictures on Instagram, Candice posted it on her feed, I called him to ask about it, but he wouldn't take my calls, so I texted him it's over, he replied with,

"Alright, it was just a bet anyways, the guys and I betted on you, otherwise you wants to be with a frigid cow like you" he texted back. I felt insulted, mocked is the word literally.

Frigid?,bet?,those were cruel words to use on a girl, and how can he play with my emotions like that.
I can't believe I dated someone like that, have anyways prided myself as a sensible woman, but am sure stupid when it comes to matters relating to the heart.

"Kiara, kiki......." I heard my mum calling as she heads to my room, no, I can't let her see me like this, I rush to the bathroom.

"Kiki dear,....." Mum called as she walked in my room.

"Am in the bathroom" I yelled.

"Alright, your dad and I are going out, to the governor's residence, would you like to come with us" she asked.

"Thanks for the offer mum but no" I declined immediately.

"Are you sure, you are going to be lonely here" she pushed.

"Am fine, I will just go to Audrey's place" I said.

"Audrey is at Daniel's place, you can't go there" mum said, I raised a brow, what is she doing there?.

"Oooh, what's up" I asked,as I came out dabbing my face with a towel.

"Nothing, they are having lunch with the kids there, anyways are you sure you won't be going with us" she pressed on.

"Am fine, carry on with me, am not a baby, I will be fine on my own" I insist, I always go out with mum whenever am around, mummy's handbag, as her friends calls me,but right now, am not in the right frame of mind to see anyone.

"You will always be my baby, alright see you later"she said and left.

I climbed back on my bed as I let my mind wander away, I picked my phone to call Sonia, better to go out than lay here crying over a guy who isn't worth it.

" Hi Kiara, how are you?" She yelled immediately she pick the call, from the little time I spent with Audrey and Sonia, I have come to realize that they have this great relationship, one I admire so much, they are always there for each other and watch out for one another, the type of friendship I haven't experienced before, but wish to, probably with them.

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