13~ meeting

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Forgetting is difficult, remembering is worst.


Song_ too good at goodbyes by Sam Smith.

The kids woke me up, today was Saturday, they have been disturbing me to take them out ,so I had said Saturday.
" mum, wake up" Nicole called out as she kept tapping me non stop.
I rubbed my eyes and got up.
"Good morning mummy"the kids greeted.
" morning babies, how was your night."
"It was great,I dreamt daddy came back" Nicole said with great enthusiasm emitting from her.
"Let pray" I cut in and pulled them down to their knee in prayer.
After the prayer, they reminded me of my promise to take them to the amusement park.
"Alright, but I will help grandma with the chores first, before anything." I replied them.
"Go play with your grandpa" I said and she shrieks.
"Of course not,grandpa is scary" she said and I chuckled"that's because you are scared of him,cmon go play with him, he doesn't bite" I persuaded ,she shook her head in response.
"Alright, I will go wash my face and brush my teeth, so off you go babies" and they left,Nicholas didn't say anything apart from greeting, that's so unlike him. I hope he is OK.
"Grandpa, you look handsome today" I heard Nicole saying and I held my breath awaiting his response.
"You brat, of course, if not for that mother of yours, I am not supposed to be a grandpa yet" he said in distain, eyeing her as they converse. My dad is just 47 this year,he got married to my mum at 25, mum was 21 then. When I was younger I loved listening to her telling me how they met,how they got married and stuff like that, her eyes would always glow in love whenever she reminisce about the past. I had wish to experience that too but things changed

I stepped into the living room, and greeted dad,he waved a hand in response to me, I didn't let that bother me,despite our differences he was still my dad.
I walked into the kitchen to help mum with breakfast, after we ate,the kids and I dressed up and we went out.

I chose a new amusement park,that was just opened newly, I paid for our tickets and we went in.
"Mummy, I want to ride on that" nick said as he point at the roller coaster ride, I looked at the ride and swallowed hard, I have a phobia for height and they is no way am letting the kids get on that unaccompanied.
"No nick,we can't ride that,its dangerous OK, let ride on something else" I tried to reason with him but he insisted so I gave in.
Nick suddenly took off, running towards the place in excitement." Nicholas, stop there" I yelled as I chased after him, nick always get me angry over trivial things, he is so naughty and does naughty things.
I finally catch up with him and pulled him by his ear.
"You naughty child, you don't listen do you?, because of what you did,we won't ride that" I said angrily and held onto his hand. I turned around to hold Nicole but she is no where to be seen.
"Nicole,nicole" I called out scared, where is she? I kept asking myself. I ask around for her but no one had seen her. I held onto nick tightly as we looked for her"mum am sorry,its because of me Nicole is missing" nick apologize, feeling guilty for what he did."is alright son,we are going to find your sister" I assured me when I wasn't sure myself.


The company was given a contract, constructing a new amusement park, it was actually dad who had order for the project. Something to do with his campaign, operation let the kids of Nigeria Lagos state have a memorable childhood experiences.
I came for the opening of the amusements, I looked to see my dad answering questions from journalists who came to cover news for their various company.
Shifting from the crowded area,to answer a call from mum,who remind me of dinner tomorrow with the rest of the family, i felt a tug on my hand, I look down to See a little girl looking up at me, she was crying. She looked so familiar like have seen her before, but I couldn't place where.
" mister,can you help me look for my mum and brother, I can't see them anywhere" she said as tear drop from her eyes, I squatted to her height and hugged her.
"Listen princess, where last did see your mum and brother" I asked her" we were going to ride the roller coaster" she answered, I carried her and she quietly wrapped her hands around my neck, as I walk towards the rollercoaster direction ,I asked her of her name " Nicole kings" she answered"kings" I thought "why will she have my surname?" I thought but quickly wiped the thought off my head,it's normal for people to share names
"Nicole" I heard someone yelled, on maybe that's the mother. I turned around only to see Audrey and a little mini me running towards us. Finally I place the pieces together, this is my daughter in my arms that's why I felt the familiar pulling to her.
Nicole dropped off from my arms and ran to her mother" mum" she cried as Audrey hugged her tightly.
"Where did you go Nicole, I was worried" I heard her say.
Nicole told her mum I found her and was bringing her in search for them she looked up to thank me but was shocked to see it was me.
"Daniel" she called and I swallowed as I looked at her, Tobi was right she looks beautiful, very beautiful .

"Daniel" I called in surprise,I was really surprise to see him, I knew it was bound to happen but I wasn't expecting it too soon. He looked the exactly the same.
"How are you doing" he asked and I scoff, what was he expecting me to say, fine, am not fine, not after what he put me through.
" good" I replied him, he smiled and nodded.
"Eerrm, you look nice" he said, why was he complimenting me, did I ask him for his compliment. I didn't reply him.
"Honestly am short of words, I don't know what to say" he said and i scoff in disbelieve, I shouldn't be surprise anyway, he has always been like this.
"Of course you wouldn't know what to say, thanks for looking after my daughter, that will be all" I said and turn to leave.
"Have been looking for you,could we talk please" he pleaded,but I didn't want to talk to him,,"they is absolutely nothing to talk about" I responded harshly" mum do you know this kind mister" nicole said looking at me"no baby, have never seen him before" I lied "let's go" I said to them and we turned to leave after nicole waved at him
"Am your father" I heard the bastard say and I turn and slap him "you are not their father you bastard" I yelled with tears dripping from my eyes, before I knew it the kids hugged him like their life depended on it, I stared at them,they look happy, but I wouldn't let daniel into our lives, not after what he did to us. I yanked them from him and walked out with him calling me but I ignored him. He followed us to where I was parked ,pleading to talk to me but I paid him no heed. I drove out hastily ,back home and he stared at me.


I won't let them go, not after I just found them."daddy" I remember the kids called me and I can't describe how I felt at that moment. I got into my car and trail them home without Audrey noticing.
Dad called me, he must have sense my absence, and ask where I was and I told him something came up.
I will do all I can to get Audrey's forgiveness and we will be one happy family.

We walked into the house, to see my mum and dad in the living room.
"Grandma, we saw my daddy today" nicole bursted in excitement as she relay to her grandma what had happened in the park. I didn't say anything, I went to my room and lock the door.
"I won't cry" I said to myself. That bastard doesn't deserve it, but the tears won't stop dropping. "Audrey, open the door please" my mum came knocking at my door.
I opened the door and she came in,engulfing me in a tight embrace.
"Mum, I saw him"I whimpered ad she soothing my back."he said he was sorry mum. Why will he say that mum, after everything he did, he just said sorry, he wants my forgiveness mum, am not going to forgive him". I said in anguish and she replied" Audrey, to err is human and forgive divine,he has hurt you, and I as your mother, I feel worst, but what the deed has been done. You have to find it in your heart to forgive him. Only when you have truly forgiven him you will be able to heal, but if you keep carrying this hatred,you will also get hurt "she said as she held me" have you seen the kids,they're so happy and is all over them, don't rip them of this joy. Am not saying you should forgive him immediately, he has to earn it but you will forgive him at the end".
"Mum, I don't want him anywhere close to my kids, what if he takes them away from me?" I asked .
"He won't,the other day,you were sad the kids didn't have a fatherly figure in their life, he is back now ,let him owe up to his responsibilities, he owe you that at least,think about it" she said and left, leaving me to my thought.

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