sequel announcement.

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Nicklaus kings, aloof, cold and oozing manly charisma is the subject of royalty's fantasy. It didn't matter whether he was her parents godson or he's eleven years older.

What happens when he returns back to Nigeria with his beautiful fiancee, will royalty let go of her obsession for him or will she fight for a space in his life.


Royalty walk hastily back to her room,as she turns at interval to see Nicklaus behind her in a long stride.
she enter her room and turn to lock it but Nicklaus had his foot in between the door, he pushed the door opened and walk in closing it after him, outside the room the hall was quiet with no one around, everyone else was outside, discussing amongst themselves. The diamond embedded name "royalty"on her door reflecting.

"Get out of my room" she yelled.

"You have been avoiding me,why Royal? He asked as he moves towards her. She moves back and only stop moving when she was trapped in between the wall and his body.

"Stay away from me, please leave I don't want anyone to see you here" she said as she pushed him

"I didn't chose the place, you did" he answered.

"So tell me why have you been avoiding me " he asked again.

"I don't want to be seen with you brother Nicklaus " she said to him

"Brother huh!!" He asked.

"Am I your brother huh, if I remember correctly, you don't call me brother before " he said as he glance at her breast, it got fuller and was threatening to slip out of her dress.

"That was before, please leave, I don't want my boyfriend to see you here" she said dismissively, she wanted him gone before anyone finds them in this compromising position.

"Your boyfriend huh, you call that old Italian dude your boyfriend,it seems like you have a thing for older men" he said pissed, he finds it annoying she keeps bringing up her old guy everytime.

"Yeah, I like my men older, got any problem with that, brother Nicklaus " I asked, annoying him.

"No, I don't care who are are with, but I only care about people claiming I have been cuckold by you, you declared to everyone I was your man remember, only for you to come back with an older man and you guys already have a babies together" he stated, I was amused , he sound almost jealous.

"No need to get all worked up, they all know you're my brother, okay " I replied, almost immediately he pushed himself to me, I could feel his harden manliness, on my belly.

"See for yourself, do I look like your brother?" He asked.

"Yes" I replied defiantly, almost immediately he shut me up with a kiss, his hands behind my dress , dragging my zip down, my dress fell off, I was standing naked Infront of Nicklaus with just a nipple stickers and underwear, I tried to push him away and hide my body from his lustful eyes but he held my hands together above my head.
He pull the stickers off me and had my nipples in his mouth, I moaned softly, what is his doing, am a breastfeeding mother?, I didn't care at that moment, I love what he was doing to me.

"Nicklaus...." I moan again,his finger in between my legs as he finds most intimate part and sunk in.

"Am I your brother?" He asked " do I look like prince or even Karl" he said as he thrust his finger faster in me, I  moan helplessly,as he carry on his ministration on my body.

"Look how wet you are, for me, your brother?, You must like to play incest" he whispered in my ear.

"No, please stop" I begged, I was ashamed,I was getting it on with Nicklaus while Leon was downstairs with our babies.

"Stop!!, Why should I?,are you afraid your boyfriend would walk in on us" he asked.

"Your fiancee is going to find you" I warned, hoping that would scare him off.

"I don't care,She's welcome to join" he said.
"Answer the damn question,am I your brother" he said continuing his onslaught on me, I didn't replied to him until I heard a clang of belt and a zipper sound.
Does he want to have sex with me?.

"Stop, this isn't consensual" I screamed.

"Oh it will be,I don't bed unwilling women" he promised.

"Please stop Nicklaus, you're not my brother" I said what he wanted to hear.

"Finally decides to be good" he said as he dropped me, I fell on the floor, he drag his zip back and squatted down to me.

"The next time, I hear you call me brother with this beautiful lips of yours,am going to do more than finger fuck you,and there's nothing you can do about it" he promised as he brought the finger he took out of me to his mouth. I blush furiously as he stood up to leave.

"You look beautiful being a mother, I especially love those tits and the milk" he said before banging my door, I hope my diamond on my door doesn't fall out and nobody should see him leave.

And here is a part of obsessive sin, I bet you gonna love it🔥

It's has a mature content mind you, Incase of those who feels uncomfortable reading explicit mature scenes🔞.

Coming out after my exam, I want my undivided attention on my exam,so till we meet again.

Peace out
Mubeenah 💙.

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