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I can be changed by what happened to me,but I refuse to be reduced by it.
Maya Angelou.


Song _ forever by gyakie.

It has been three whole weeks of Audrey ignoring me, I lurked around her house on different occasion, hoping to see her but she avoids me.
But I won't give up, I won't stop coming unless I talk to her.
I came around one evening, parked my car right across her house and I waited for her, I know she recently started her nysc service, and I know she goes for her cds on Mondays and she returns before six pm.
I looked at the time on my golden Rolex wristwatch mum gave to me on my recent birthday, 5:37pm. She will be back anytime soon and I have to talk to her.
Just immediately I saw her alight from a taxi, and I ran immediately to her.
"Hi" I greeted but she ignored me and turn to leave.
"Please, let's talk" I pleaded with her as I held her arm.
"Let go of me, don't touch me" she said to me and I let go of her hand immediately

"Please"I begged
"Daniel, what do you want, why do you keep stalking me" she asked me

"Please ,I want to talk to you Audrey,can we go somewhere quiet and talk" I asked her

" me, go somewhere quiet with you ,so you rape me again, God forbid am not going anywhere with you" she rebuke angrily.

" its not like that" I said
"I want to ask for your forgiveness, I know I hurt you so badly and I don't deserve to be forgiven" I started but she cut me in
"Then why are you asking for forgiveness then" she asked harshly.

"Audrey, I have wronged you and I want to make things right, please find a place in your heart to forgive me " I begged as I fell on my knees, I don't mind groveling at her feet to be forgiven.

"Daniel, do you know what you did to me,let me refresh your memory, you raped me Daniel, you raped me in front of your friends,I begged you remember, so you don't have any right to ask for forgiveness from me, when you also didn't listen to my pleading. Do you know,when you apologize in school, my heart fluttered,it was so unlike you to apologize for something, I thought you were been sincere,but you revealed your true self, when I got pregnant." She said as she slapped me with her trembling with tears dropping from her eyes.
"You denied been responsible for my pregnancy, it was your baby and you knew it but you choose to do that. You watched your mum assault me, do you know what I went true. The mockery, the embarrassment, the insults people throw at me, even my own father has his share dished out for me. Do you know my kids weren't left out, everyone has insult for them, Nicole had ask me what a bastard means,because someone had called her that in school, of course you won't know that because you were busy gallivanting around,I can't forgive you Daniel, I hate you so much, don't ever come here again"she said and push me out from her way so she could pass but i hugged her from behind.
"Get off me" she screamed as she tried to use her elbow on me.

"Please audrey, hear me out. You are right, I don't know what you went through, I wasn't there because I chose to exclude myself and I swear it isn't a decision am proud of,I am going to regret it for the rest of my life that I know, but please I want to be part of your lives, please don't say no think about it" I said and left her, she sniffed and left without looking back and a tear dropped from my eyes,"am so sorry audrey" I murmured to myself as more kept falling out. I walked to my car and drove away.

I pushed the gate opened only to come in face with my parents, my mum had tears in her eyes, and my dad was trying so hard to hold his,I know they must have heard Daniel and I ."Good evening" I greeted and ran inside,not wanting to hear any of their sermon.
"Drey" dad called and I stopped, he used to call me that since I was little, but he stopped when i brought home babies, instead of a certificate.
"My daughter" he called again, and I ran inside,to my room.
I threw myself on my bed, cover myself with a duvet,crying my heart out.
I could hear knocking on my door, with dad and mum calling out to me but I refuse to open up, I just want to be alone.
"Audrey, my dear let talk, baby girl open the door, daddy is sorry" he said as he kept knocking but I chose to ignore him. Why is he talking to me now, he is my father, he was supposed to have my back,not hurt me and Daniel, why now of all time, why didn't he look for me since, if he really wanted to ask for my forgiveness and check on his children. Those thought were on my mind till I fell asleep.


I kept recalling what Audrey said, I had really hurt her and don't deserve to be forgiven but I can't imagine the thought of staying away from them ,from her. My phone rang and I checked the caller, mum.
She had been calling everyday to ask for details on how it went, but its the same answer everyday.
"Good evening ma'am" I greeted immediately I pick up the call.
"How re you dear" she asked
"Fine I guess"
"Did you see her today" she asked
"Yes,I did"
"What did she say,did you apologize properly, did she forgive you,are you bringing them home soon" she kept asking questions after questions.

"Mum, all these numerous questions, which one do you want me to answer now" I asked
"Did she accept your apology" she asked
"Its too early naah, she didn't,we just talk a little" I answered.
"Oooooh, I thought you guys will be okay now, but then you are right, its too early" she reasoned with me.
"Mum, I really hurt her, she said things I didn't imagine I could do, but I did anyways, if only I could turn back the hand of time, I would have stopped all this from happening" I said regrettably.

"Son, can you stop blaming yourself, and think of the way forward. What is done is done, you only have to make up for your wrongs. I won't blame you, because I failed as a mother to you, your dad and I were always busy, we didn't have time for you or your siblings especially you, we couldn't correct your wrongs because we weren't there. We let you kids grow up on your own, we are the reason you turned out this way, am sorry son, I really am. I want to make it up to you,Daniel" mum said as she sniffed over the phone and I knew she was crying silently. I remember not having both mother and father figure while growing up, my parents were always busy, my dad was always at the office, or business trips while my mum goes for cooking shows, or go for an outing with her friends, or go for a fashion show almost all the time,we were left with nannies whom my mum change often because she wasn't too pleased with their services. At fifteen years, I was sent to a drug rehab center because I was addicted to it and just couldn't stop,dad found it so embarrassing, I was there for two years before I was release, my dad sent me back to Nigeria to stay with my grandma,there I met Tobi and the rest in school. My grandma died the following year and the whole family came to Nigeria from Atlanta for her funeral and we didn't go back to live there. I didn't notice Audrey until my third year in school, I met her in a physic practical,we were paired together, I wasn't really interested in the class, but they was something about her that drew me to her, her explanation were detailed, she also had a nice voice and I didn't want her to stop talking,I knew immediately that I was developing feelings for her, but I didn't want to accept it, when I told her I loved her, i didn't know why I had said that but I meant it,I regretted forcing myself on her and denying her pregnancy, but I did so to save myself from possible disowning, because I know my dad will really disown me,he doesn't care about me anyways.

"Son,are you there?_" mum asked,bringing me back from my reverie.

"Yes, am with you" I answered
"Don't worry mum,I will try my possible best, to bring audrey and my kids home" I assured her. "I won't allow them to ever feel unwanted or unloved, they won't go through that again like I did" I assured myself also.

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