14~ confession

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A strong family has well worn seats at the dinner table.

Best conversations are made at dinner.

Song_mood by wizkid and bnxn

Sunday is meant to be a relaxing weekend for people especially workers before the struggle continues the next day.
Sunday in my family is a family get together moment,mum made it mandatary, so long as you are in Lagos, you must come for family dinner, so here I am.
Clara has been calling me nonstop, but I choose to ignore her, she is least of my problems right now, I decide to tell my family about Audrey and my kids today, this is the first step in showing Audrey my utmost sincerity.
" gather together everyone, dinner is ready" mum said as she brought out plates from the kitchen with help from kiara and Stella, my sisters, the helps were always given day off in Sundays.
We all got seated on the chair, as aroma from the foods filled our noses, my mum is a renowned chef before she married my dad, she taught all her kids to cook, me inclusive.
We said our prayers with mum leading of course,and we began to eat after that.

"Daniel, you left quickly yesterday, what was that all about" dad queried
"Something came up" I replied,wondering if it was at this moment am supposed to talk about Audrey or wait till everyone finish eating.
"And I hope it isn't anything that will sabotage my campaign, am tired of all your shenanigans" dad said, that's all he thinks of ,his reputation. That has always been his focus, he never really care about me, he always wanted me to do his bidding and I chose to rebel, we have been on loggerheads with mum trying to settle our differences.
" I asked a question Daniel, what were you doing" he asked and everyone turn to look at me.
I dropped my cutleries and took in a long breathe."I have something to say,I don't know how you all are going to take this but am sorry if this hurt you or your reputation". I said making sure to add sarcasm to the "reputation" word.
He turned sharply to me,"what have you done this time" he yelled and mum held his hands gently and turn to me"speak to us what is it" she asked me softly .

I paused for awhile, watching their faces for their reaction,
" I ...have....tw..o" I stuttered
"Out with it boy" dad continued to pressure me ,so I said it anyway
"I have two kids, they will be five in two month, Christmas Eve apparently" and there was a pregnant silence
"Last time I checked, today isn't April first,we are in September" kiara my baby sis said as she laugh.
"Am not joking" I said as I kept a stonic expression.
"What nonsense are you sprouting Daniel" dad yelled as he bang hard on the dinning table, I hope it doesn't break.
"Five years ago, I impregnated my classmate and denied it" I paused for a while before continuing.
"Mom, remember the girl in my school, who insisted her pregnancy was mine, she wasn't lying, I was".
"I ambushed her on her way home, force myself on her while the guys were on look out for me, she later got pregnant which I denied with help from my friends again and that's it" I confessed as I watch for their reaction.
"W. h...at, how could you, I didn't raise you like that " mum said as she slapped me continuously, I didn't stop her, I deserve .
"Daniel, how could you do something like that, I believed you, I trusted you that's why I defended you in school, only for you to disappoint me, I slapped the poor girl, I insulted her and her parent, I cursed at my grandchildren ,only for you to be the liar" mum lamented as she sob hard not believing I could do something like that.
"Yetunde, have you seen, see for yourself the son you raised, a rapist? this is all your fault, you indulge him to do whatever he wants,you always defend him whenever I try to talk to him, you say am too hard on him, can you see for yourself" dad thundered as he directed his anger at mum.
"Why will you blame me for this, when a child is good, he belongs to the father. But when he is bad he belongs to the mother, how is it my fault here".
"When I wanted to investigate the issue, you said you had taken care of it, I didn't know you had to behave like a tyrant to her for your son misdeed" dad said as he continue to blame mum for my mistake.
"Am sorry everyone for this, I know this wasn't expected of me,I met Audrey again and she is so mad at me and doesn't want to talk to me" I said sadly as I bow my head in pains.
"Where you expecting her to jump in joy when she see you as you are father Christmas" Stella my older sister said in distain ." Daniel, instead of you to keep good companies in school ,look at the type of friends you keep, ones who won't hesitate to be on a lookout for you while you rape someone's daughter, my god I never expected this from you".

I kept saying sorry as mum crying could be heard.
"What do you plan on doing now?" Dad asked me.
"Apologize to Audrey and take responsibilities for my action, i will ask her to Marry me if she will agree" I said as dad nods his head in Agreement .
"That's the first step in proving your sincerity, you do that , I want to be left alone" he said as he stood up and left,I know he is still angry at me.
"Daniel, my God how could you , how am I going to face her and her parents" my mum kept saying.
"Its alright, you didn't know it was all my fault" I said and she hit me hard on the head ,remind me not to sit next to mum ever again.
"Of course,it is. When are you going to see them maybe I should also go" mum said but I decline
" don't worry am trying to take things slow so I won't scare her away, I will beg for her forgiveness first" I replied her.
"What about Clara" kiara ask and I told her we broke up .
"What a relief, thank God I swear I never for once liked that girl"kiara said and Stella agreed with her.
I told them I have Audrey and the kids pictures, which they ask to see .
"Wow,they're so. Cute,even their mum"they said.
"We need to bring them home, daniel do all you have to do and don't hesitate to ask for our assistance" mum said

I will try my best,don't worry"I promised
"Do it discreetly, don't allow the press get a whimp of it, its better it remains between the family for now. Mum said and I nod.

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