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A guilty conscience need no accuser

Song_ sorry by Justin bieber , electricity by pheelz and davido, cho_cho by zlatan , mayorkun and davido.

Coming out from a shopping mall,I saw a familiar figure, I looked closely so as not to mistake someone else from who I had in mind, but it was her. Standing far away from me, oblivious of me staring at her was Audrey, she was looking beautiful, even more beautiful than I remember. She was standing close to the ice cream kiosk, pointing out the flavors she wanted, she was smiling and looking down at two kids I didn't notice at first, that smile was enthralling, I took out my phone to capture her, I need proof to show Daniel that I saw her. She bought want she wanted and turn,sipping on a can of soda,when one of the two kids took to his heels and she chase after him.

He was running towards my direction, he was giggling and looking back at Audrey who was furiously chasing after him,whoops he bump into me.
"Sorry mister"he apologize and look at me, Omg he fucking look like Daniel to be his twin,my heart was palpitating against my chest.
"No need to apologize ,kiddo"I said softly and squat to his height, and ask him of his name.
"My mum said not to talk to strangers" he answered and shifted back from me.
I laugh "that's true, my bad,but I want to know you" I said with a smile .
Audrey got to us and held the boy pulling his ears "you never listen"she said "sorry mister for my son's behav......." She stopped talking when she looked up and saw me.
"Audrey" I called and smile
"Hi Tobi ,it's been awhile"she answered staring at me with that gaze that makes you guilty, what am I saying of course am guilty. "How have you been" I asked unsure of what to say.
"Great,just great"she scoffed and look down to the little girl pulling her hands.
"Are these your kids" I asked, even when I already knew the answer. The girl looks like Audrey a lot,the kids didn't look that much alike except for few features which isn't that noticeable unless you look at them closely.
"Yes" she answered, looking at me .
"I have to go now, it good to see you"she smiled at me but I knew it wasn't real especially after our last encounter which isn't that memorable.
"Can i have your contact"I asked knowing fully well ,she wouldn't agree. "No need for that, we might see again ,after all its a small world. Kids let go" she said and smile "have a nice day Tobi"she turned and walk away with her kids on her both sides,where she held their hands firmly. The kids look at me as they walk away, and I took a picture of them. This is going to be a life changing news for Daniel. My phone beeped alerting me of a message ,it was from Steve "guys change of plans ,let meet at club quilox at 7pm and don't be late especially you Tobi" I chuckled, no need for the warning guy, I am already late,I thought as I walked to my car.

As I drove there, I was wondering what his reaction was going to be, this will set his mind into turmoil for all I know. I parked my car in a safe spot and came out.
Tipping the bouncers at the entrance ,I went in. Various strippers was all over the place, trust Steve to pick out location like this. I saw my guys at the VIP section and I danced to the song electricity by OBO and pheelz, I love the musician Davido, am a huge fan of his ,I try never to miss any of his concert "care for a dance,handsome" a girl winks at me,"no thanks"I said and walk away,"too much makeup plaster on her face".
" My guys,how una dey naah" (my guys ,how are you ). I said when I got to them, raising my hand for a handshake.

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