42~ heavy fall

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The Christmas vacation finally came to an end, everyone went back to their different places.

"Thanks for inviting us over" my dad said as Daniel got ready to drop us off.

"No need for that, we are family now, we appreciate your presence " Mrs kings said.

Fast forward

The following week, Daniel and I had an argument,he wanted the kids and I to move in with him, I refused. I wanted us to be married first before we could live together,and then he asked to fix the date, and I told him I wasn't ready yet, I didn't want to be rushed into matrimony.

"Then why the fuck did you agree to marry me, why did you accept my ring" he yelled.

"Don't shout at me, don't just do that, is it your ring you worried about, take it then , I don't want it anymore" I said as I roughly pulled it out of my finger, throwing it at him.

" No, babe, it hasn't gotten to that, am sorry i yelled at you okay, please put this back on" he said as he hastily grab my hand and put the ring back on, kissing my hands.
"Am sorry" he apologize as he hugged me, I smile, I wasn't going to leave, I was only angry and playing hard to get, Daniel's reaction is hilarious, he looked really scared.

" Take your time, we are not in a hurry" he said, I know he's actually in a hurry, Daniel has been insecure lately especially when we go out, and other guys compliment me, he complains bitterly about it.

"Why are you smiling when that guy call you beautiful, do you like him?" He said to me, we went for the kings cooperation company anniversary party, Daniel delivered a speech on stage, he looked so sexy, I wanted to shout.

"That's my man" so everyone will know he belongs to me.

"It's only a harmless compliment" I replied.

"You didn't need another man complimenting you, that's my job, you have my ring on, you going to be my wife" he stated.

He didn't get a reply from me and that's what prompt him asking me to move in with him and I refused.

"Am sorry baby, don't think of ever leaving you,I love you too much" he confess.

He finally calm down and I told him, I was ready for us to pick a date.

"Really" he exclaimed excited as he twirl me around the room.

"I will give you the biggest wedding of the year" he vowed
"I want a simple wedding, not all those elaborate ones" I said and he frowned.

"I want to whole world to witness us getting married, Audrey. You going to be mine, i want everyone to see and know about it" he said.

"I don't want that, a simple wedding or no wedding" i replied.

"Alright" he agreed as he kissed me passionately.

I got to find out my definition of simple is different from the king's family word simple, even Kiara wasn't left out, she drag me every where to try wedding dresses and shoes, but I ended up getting a Vera Wang wedding gown instead.

"Kiara, all this are too much" I exclaimed startled as she planned with the wedding planner.

"Really, Daniel said a simple wedding is what you requested, this is the simplest style we came up with" she explained but I wasn't getting her explanation because this doesn't look simple to me at all.

I got myself busy with planning the wedding together with my mum and Audrey's mum, Audrey's so dumb, who would ever want a simple wedding when she has a fiancee like Daniel whose pocket us very deep, not me Sha!!!.
I haven't really heard from Silas after our last encounter together, I tried not to think of him but it was really impossible, Sonia said he's fine and getting ready to leave Nigeria as his parents weren't able to persuade him from leaving. Poor my heart!!!!, It fall in love with the wrong person, Sonia warn me , i was only going to get hurt but i didn't heed to her, I wiped my tears as I scanned through the clothes in the boutique, i was shopping with both Audrey and Sonia for her bachelorette party.

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