26~returned feelings?

633 76 3

Song for the chapter _O2 by oxlade


Clara, that annoying woman, Audrey and I were fine, until her name pop up, she even have the guts to spew rubbish to her, now Audrey is all withdrawn from me. But I won't let her, I love her and I want her,I won't let her run from me. She left this morning, with her friend even when I offer to drop her off, she's avoiding me, it's that obvious. I can't believe she will think am with her, because I deem her fit as my baby mama, I have never seen her as a personal breeding machine, never!!!.

"Hey Daniel my guy aw fa" Steve greeted raising his hands for a handshake.

"Fine, how una dey"(how are you guys). I replied

"Fine, has Audrey left"he asked, the guys excluding Richard came for the party yesterday, but they were avoiding Audrey,they weren't ready to face her, cowards!!.

" Yeah, she just left,you guys should have said hi to her naa"

"Noo,not now abeg, do you think she will forgive us so easily" Steve asked.

"I Donno about you guys oooh, but she don forgive me "(she has forgiven me). I grinned happily. Audrey's forgiveness is like a soothing balm to my heart, I can't believe this is how peace after a guilty mind feels like.

"It's a lie, I don't believe" Raymond rebuke immediately, what's this werey own, was he expecting her to be angry at me forever.

"Guy be serious naa" Steve added.

"Am serious jor, why will I joke about this" I answered.

"Wow, Audrey has a heart of gold oo,that means she can equally forgive us too" Steve stated happily

"Yeah,she does".

"Where's tobi" I asked , I haven't seen the guy,at all last night.

"We don't know oo, the guy made a reservation for a room, almost immediately he said he is going to the restroom,we haven't seen him since then maybe he fell into the WC and is stuck there" Steve said.

"Seriously, am stuck in wc, very funny, why didn't you come to pull me out instead" we hear tobi voice from behind.

"Ahhh, you are still alive, I was about to call your mumsy, to tell her, her only child is dead"Steve continues.

"I don't have your time, am in a good mood today and I won't let you spoil it" tobi said as he sat down

"What happened, why are in a good mood". Raymond asked

"You don't want to know" tobi answered with a lopsided smile.

We all gave a knowing nod, who else won't know what tobi has been up to last night.

"Who is the unfortunate woman, am sure her fair skin is all red and bruise already" Steve joke.

"I don't want to talk about it,amebo"(gossip) tobi replied.

Kiara walk over to us, she was on the phone with someone.

"C'mon Sonny, he's going to be okay, it's just a heart attack naa, not like the doctor said it's serious or something" she said over the phone.

"Yeah, a vacation is good, how about Maldives or better still Kauai Hawaii, Hawaii is good, I have been there once" she continues.

"Alright, talk to you later" she ended the call.

"Daniel, Stella is looking for you" she said and made to go.

"Is everything alright, what happened to Sonia" I asked and noticed that pickles Tobi's interest.

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