33~clean up ghost

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Monday isn't really my day, waking up early and all that, I really need to be at the hospital, I refused to go with Audrey and Kiara, I should do this alone. The mere possibility of me being pregnant gives me chills.

I took a bath and hurriedly dress up, I tied a vintage scarf on my head and a dark shade on my face, clutching my bag in my hand, I walked out of my room, walking down the stairs, I bump into Silas, he was sweating profusely, he look like he went for a run.

"Good morning big bro" I greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Sonia, going somewhere" he asked, what should I say now?.

"Am going to see my friend, she wants me to go with her to somewhere" I lied.

"I see, let me have her contact" he said as he brought out his phone.

"What for?" I asked surprise

"So to know who to call if you don't return, don't waste my time, I have things to do" he said and I ended up giving him Kiara's contact.

"Thanks, be safe" he said as he climb up.

Kiara will be on top of the world if she ever hears her crush has her contact.

This is one of the things I hate silas doing, treating me like a child, for God sake am a 23 full grown ass woman who might be expecting a baby soon.
I should move back to my apartment soon.

I arrive at the hospital, I didn't go to the hospital we were used to, our family doctor works there and he may end up snitching on me and tell my parents.

If am actually pregnant, I want to be the one to tell my parents myself not someone else.

The doctor on seat attended to me after waiting for a long time, he took my blood test and sent it to the lab for examination. Few hours later the results came back.

I'm disease free, hallelujah for that,and as I suspected, I'm a little over three weeks pregnant!.

" Congratulations miss" the doctor said with all smiles, I was short of words, it's really true, am expecting a baby, am gonna be a mother soon.

The doctor must have noticed my conflicting expression as he began to talk about options for me.

"Becoming a mother is a special feeling, but most ladies aren't ready for that phase just yet, am sorry if you're having a second thought about this, we have options here if you want you can keep the baby and put up for adoption later or an abortion,we do quick, painless abor........" I think I had enough of this doctor as I bang at his table in annoyance.

"Excuse me, are you a doctor or what, how can you advise me on something as cruel as that, did i tell you i don't want the baby" I chided angrily.

"Am sorry, I must have guess wrongly, you didn't seem elated by the news so i though maybe " he continues, I was already irritated with what he was going about with.

"Save it, I don't want to listen to any of your crap any longer, am not having an abortion, am keeping the baby" I said and walked out.

I sigh as I breath in the cold chilly air outside, the harmattan season is here.

I say inside my car as I wonder what the next step for me, am broke, jobless and I can't be relaying on my parent to take me in especially when am expecting.

What should I do?, Should I tell tobi about it?, Would he believe me, of course he has to,am sure he would know we didn't use proper protective measures.

I tug at my hair in frustration, was this how Audrey felt when she got pregnant unexpectedly ?.

I drove slowly to my apartment, parked my car and alighted, i unlock my door and walked in, I haven't been here for two weeks now, I was expecting it to be dusty and all that, surprisedly, it's neat and looks like someone has been inside.

Who cleaned my apartment, who is living in my house, is it Audrey or Kiara?, But they know am not around, so they won't come visit here.

"Hello, anyone here" I screamed,was it a burglar, but burglar won't leave my house clean, instead they would leave it untidy, maybe am been paranoid. That must be the case, am stressed out, so I begining to hallucinate.

I walked to my bedroom, open the door and peep in to see if they was anyone in but no one.

What am i thinking, the door was locked, I opened the door, and they is nothing missing.

I lay on my bed and soon I drifted off into a deep slumber.


I watch as she brought her kids to school, i sat inside my car opposite to the school, as I watch her.

I can't believe that Daniel would choose her over me, like how is that even possible, am more prettier curvier and I can give him much more cuter kids than her, so why her?

I hate her so much, she is smiling, radiating with happiness, but am going to take away that smile from her face, I will leave her in tears, I will leave her as vulnerable as I am right now and then she will regret ever stealing Daniel From me.

I took out my phone as I call viper, a street thug someone introduced to me, I have been told he doesn't fail in his job and I only have one job for him, and that's to terminate the life of those brats and I want it done today.

"Hello viper" I call out immediately he picked up.

"Madam Clara, how you dey, I do dey expect your call since"(how are you, i have been expecting your call) he sang as soon as he got to know it's me

"Gather your boys I have a job for you" I said, I didn't have time to chat, I want this done immediately.

"Mama oooo, I won't disappoint you, who you want make I delete (who do you want me to assassinate) he asked.

" My enemy's children, five million to get the job done, clean and quick" I said emotionlessly, this is the only way to make Audrey feel the same pain as I am.

"Small small children, na them cost pass, e no easy, their work"( little kids?, They are the most expensive, getting the job done isn't easy concerning little kids) he started to negotiate

"I meant i will give you five million now, then balance you five million when the job is done" I said.

"I dey game, send me the legit Intel"( am in, send me the necessary information), he stated.

And I ended up telling him the driver's facials, the school name, the car plate number and the kids description.

"I want a clean job" I emphasize.

"No wahala, I no dey disappoint" (no problem, I won't disappoint you) he said and i grinned in excitement.

Hey peeps how're y'all doing today, as for me am feeling ucey.

Sonia's pregnant and she has a ghost cleaning housemate😂

Clara is back with her evil plans, I hope it doesn't go as planned oooo.

Votes and commenting is necessary, please vote for me hmmmmm😳😳

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