3~ unwanted apology

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She was powerful, not because she wasn't scared but because she went on so strongly despite the fear.


Song _what if I told you that I love you by Ali gatie.

I didn't go to school for a week, I just didn't want to see the don or any of his evil friends. I didn't tell my parents I was raped,I didn't know how to say it. Albeit i know it wasn't my fault but still yet . Nothing would have been done about it, we can't even afford money for a lawyer, my case won't even make it way across the police station not to talk of a court . that how powerful Daniel's family are and how broke mine is,and i will not subject myself and my family as a topic of discussion,a family to throw reference to, so I choose to remain silent.

I lied to my parents that I was sick, which partially isn't a lie because I fell sick the night I was raped. I was down with fever and was burning all night but I couldn't call out to my mum in case she finds out something.
After staying at home for one week ,I muster up courage to school.

As I stepped into the class,I saw him first . He was sitting on his desk and gisting with his friends laughing at what one of them said,when Tobi one of his four friends saw me .He nudge at Daniel who looked up and saw me.

"Look who we have here" he said and smile. I slowly dropped my bag ,he stood up moving towards me,I stood up and left the class. He followed me
"Wait" he said drawing me to him sorry....."he said as he cup my face into his hands,I harshly swat his hands from me. I couldn't believe that all he has to say,despite his apologies didn't mean anything to me.
"I know you are surprise am saying this, I know just an apologize won't suffice......." Thank God you know" I thought inwardly.

" But I will still like to apologize, I shouldn't have done what I did,especially in the manner I did, without your consent. Forgive me" he continues,I watched him with tears threatens to fall out and anger that refuse to simmer down. I didn't say anything I just walked away.


"Daniel,what did we talked about on the last topic we treated. I mean what is monoecious plants"the biology teacher Mr ajayi ask Daniel .

"Monoecious plants are plant with both sperm and egg cell on the same gametophyte" Daniel answered in a singsong tone,he doesn't like answering questions in class in fact he doesn't like the teacher paying attention to him but the principal insisted all teachers must interact with Daniel in class prior to his strict father's request.

"Audrey,why weren't you in school throughout last week we had our test last week" he asked concern.
I glance at Daniel quickly before telling the teacher I was sick.
"Hope you are OK now?"he ask and I affirm.
"I will give you a chance to do make up test"he promise and I thank him. He returned back to his teachings which I couldn't concentrate because my mind was somewhere else. When he was done teaching ,he left.


"Wassup Audrey"Sonia my friend from the next class greeted as she walk in
"Hey"I replied giving her a curt nod in case she didn't hear my greetings as I wasn't audible.
"Why were you not in school, I was worried and also had a busy days thanks to you" she said and glare at me. Sonia is my deputy in case of my absence she takes over my position,which in no way easy.

"Sorry babes, I was sick"I apologize
"Eyaah, didn't know naa,and you don't fall sick easily naa,hope you are OK now?" She asked "yeah"I reply

"The don kept asking me of you, he even ask me to give him your number but I told him you didn't have a phone"she said as she sat down properly hoping to hear gists.

"Why is he asking of me"I ask vexed

"Donno,but sha stay away from him ooo,he is bad news" she warned even pulling her ears, sonia is that dramatic but she cares.

"I know" I said and sigh.

Finally school was over,I was in class arranging my books into my bag to go home with the others this time when the don walked in. This time his friends wasn't with him, he was alone ,I ignored him. Suddenly he held me from behind and kiss me on the cheek "I love you and am sorry for what I did"he said and kept kissing me on my face.

"You bastard, you psycho,I swear you are mad,how dare you? After you humiliated me in front of your friends. You want to rape me again abi Is that not what you want? I want to be far from you, you make my inside churns,stop pestering me"I said ,took my bag and left. I bumped into Clara his girlfriend, she looked at me from head to toe in distain before going in. Few minutes later they both came out holding hands, I felt immense hatred for them both.

I kept having different nightmare about what happened and I get scared any time I wake up. I needed someone to talk to but I was scared of opening up to anyone not even to my mom who i was close to.
Daniel kept sending me apologize card, gifts ,chocolate and even flowers which I turn down but he keep sending even though he knows I won't accept it, sometimes he send his friends. Everyone gossip about how the don was wooing me and I was playing hard to get. Clara of course made my life a living hell. That's what you get when you attend school full of rich kids and fewer poor ones who are on scholarship like myself.

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