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  The apprehended criminals were taken to the city police station,to be interrogated while the kids were sent to the hospital for check up, they weren't hurt,but was in shock about the whole thing.
Audrey had to admit she haven't been scared as she was her whole life, what if something had happened to her kids?.
Daniel was seriously busy, urging the police to get the mastermind behind the kidnapping and apprehend the person immediately.

Of course the police were happy to oblige, they started the interrogation  immediately, at first viper refuse to say anything, his calls were traced,but to no  avail, his call logs were clear, for an uneducated man like viper, he's smart.

Daniel wasn't the only person pressuring the polices, chief king also exert the same amount of pressure,if not more. He made calls to the commissioner of police, he wanted to get to the root of the kidnapping, whether it's was his fellow governor candidates.

It has only been a day since The rescue but the reporters were having a field day, it's not every day you see gist as juicer than this. The king's family has two illegitimate hidden children from the CEO of the company?, For the twenty five years Daniel king to have kids of five years old, it means he fathered them at the young age of 20?.

Meanwhile Clara was anxious, she just couldn't stay still, she was petrified that the police will burst in any moment to arrest her. Since they haven't come to make an arrest, it means that viper was still mouth seal, but for how long?, She wouldn't wait for the police to get to her, she will make a run, run abroad and hide and come back when everything dies down, the only regret she has was hiring an incompetent fool like viper to do such a delicate job, she shouldn't have gotten someone better than that illiterate that finds it hard to comprehend even the smallest instructions, or better still do it herself. She only had one instructions for viper, kill the kids but no, he kidnapped them for his own selfish reason, pity he went down, but she won't let him take her with him.

She has all this thought going through her mind as she hurriedly pack her vital things into a suite bag, and drag her box outside, she met the police waiting at her door.

"Jesus!!!" She exclaimed startled, she wasn't expecting them at all, why are they here?, Viper won't have rat her out so soon, has he?.

"Miss Clara Williams, you are under arrest for the shooting of Mr David and kidnapping of two kids, your accomplice has been apprehended, you have the right to remain silent" the police officer said as he handcuffs her.

"Let go of me, I have been accuse, I want my lawyer" she yelled as she was pushed into the awaiting van.

Viper couldn't endure the torture and he ended up calling out Clara's name.

"I told you, didn't I?,this is only what crazy people does, how can she order hitman to kill children" Sonia asked ,her eyes blazing with fury.

Daniel was furious, he was conflicting with his emotions, he didn't expect that Clara could do something like that, she was going to pay for her crime, he promised.

" Hi, how're the kids doing" Daniel said as he entered the ward, she ignore him.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he reach to kiss her.

"Are you seriously asking me that, Daniel?, The kids and I were doing okay with you, then boom, you came into our lives and our peace is threatened, you jeopardize my kid's lives" she yelled as she stood up to confront him.

"Did you stop to think of what would have happened to the kids, they would have lost their lives because of your obsessive girlfriend?, Did you think of me, if anything happened to my kids?, I would have gone mad, I would have lost my life, am sorry Daniel, I can't do this anymore, it's over, please stay away from my kids and I, I can't afford to gamble with my kid's lives" she said as she wipe the tears that kept dropping from her eyes.

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