41~truth and dare

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We stayed in the yacht for the remaining days, preparing to celebrate the new year there. We were having so much fun, with everyone sharing stories about themselves, when we played the truth or dare game. Personally I dislike the game because I feel like it reveals too much things.
Like for example,when Sonia was asked how long tobi last on bed, and she shamelessly answered she don't recall because she was in a blissful moment or when kiara was asked most embarrassing thing or word that happened to her and she replied.

"When my ex boyfriend called me frigid" and she was so embarrassed and uncomfortable after that, we ended up stopping the game.

Our parents didn't participate in the game ,mind you, they were in their own moment, the men discussing politics and the mothers planning our wedding and the kids playing amongst themselves.

"Excuse me" Kiara said as she stood up.

"Where are you going" I asked worried, we shouldn't have play this stupid game, I hope she isn't upset.

"I need to check my email, am expecting a mail, I'll be quick, so we can plan your wedding together, you girls shouldn't plan anything without me oo" she warned as she hurriedly over to her dad, say a few things to him and walk to her room at the back cabin.

Soon the guys settle down to play chess , with Daniel and Raymond playing against themselves and the rest cheering them on.

Sonia lay down flipping through a fashion magazine,as we converse.

"Will you be going back to work, i mean your former place of work, will you still work with them?" I asked.

"Of course not, not after what they did, I can't work with that akpan man, he's difficult to work with, most especially when am expecting a baby right now, it will be stressful running up and down for news" she replied as she caress her belly gently, you could see Sonia was genuinely happy about this baby.

"Why did you refuse to marry tobi" I asked again.
"We aren't in love with each other, how can it work, look at you and Daniel, everyone can see how much you love one another, look he is even staring at you at intervals, he's not concentrating on his game" she said and I looked at Daniel, it was true , he was staring intensely at me, like I was the only one in the room, before his friends nudge him to continue.
I smile shyly as I waved at him.

" You see, but tobi and I aren't like that, we can't even tolerate each other, yes we are sexually attracted to one another but that's all, it's not enough to hold a relationship to me, and besides he didn't even court me properly or get to know me, Omo the reason are endless" she concluded and I saw reason with her, at least it's better they like themselves for a start.

"If you say so, take your time" I said and she smiled.

"Look at nick, isn't he so cute" she said as we both stared at my son, he wasn't playing together with his cousins (Stella kids), Stella came back for Christmas celebration together with her husband. Instead nick was Seated silently staring at them, I was kinda worried, ever since they were found after the kidnap saga, he has been unusually quiet, even though he has always been reserved, but he's more withdrawn than before.

"I feel like you and I aren't only going to be just friends, we could be related too, I mean, I feel like am having a baby girl, she'll be the perfect bride for Nick, we can be mothers in law to our children, how does that sound" she stated excited and I laugh. Sonia and I have come a long way in our relationship, she was there for me in every moment of my life, the toughest and best time of my life, she's already a sister I never had.

"C'mon we don't need to matchmake our kids to prolong our relationship, you are my sister, that I know, okay? And besides what if you have a boy instead" I replied baffled at Sonia silly words.

"Then I will have another baby again, it's has to be a girl, Nick is so cute, he's my son in law okay?, I came first " she continues and I laughed hard at her.

"Let leave that to fate and the kids okay, we can never know what will happen " I said and she sigh in defeat.


I sat down on my bed, I had to lie I was checking out emails, everyone was having a good time , and didn't ruin everyone's fun with my sour mood.

I just didn't know what was wrong with me, my moods keep changing at intervals.
I power on my laptop as I view rob and I pictures and videos we took together while we were still dating. I deleted them one after the other, I should have done this long time ago but it didn't cross my mind until now. I wondered what prompt me into dating him in the first place, maybe it's because every girl was crushing on him and he chose to ask me out instead, I felt like the most beautiful woman amongst them all, but now I know he just made a bet on me with his friends to sleep with me, and broke up with me after he lost because I didn't let him in the three months we have been together.

I wipe my tears, don't get me wrong not like I really like him or anything, I just felt embarrassed that he would do something like that with his friends, but then it's just a bet anyways, what about Audrey who was raped by Daniel Infront of his friends, that even worst, mine is better, if am sad and angry over a bet then how did Audrey feel back then, with this at the back of my mind, I walked to the bathroom to wash my face, preparing to head back to the others.
I opened the bathroom door only to see Silas standing in my room, he look like a foreign alien dropped from the sky to an unknown place.

"What are you doing here?" I asked , did he lost his way or what, maybe he intended going to Sonia's room and ended up in mine.

"Sonia's room is the last room " I pointed out to him, describing the way to the room where Sonia stays with tobi. Silas didn't participate in the game earlier, when we were playing, he was more focus on his laptop.

"Sorry, I want to check out something" he said and before I could say anything, he grabbed me and shut my lips with his, I gasps in surprised, he delved his tongue deeper in my mouth as he kissed me passionately. I wrapped my hands around his neck as I pulled him closer, he moved his lips to my ears, trailing slowly to my neck, I moaned in response. What was he doing, why is his suddenly kissing me? He suddenly stopped as he breath deeply and before I knew it , he lifted me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and my back against the wall, he took my lips again, we were immensely on each other's lips, fighting for dominance.
He walked with me in his hands, not breaking the kiss as he placed me on my table, his hands under my top as he tried to grab my breast, I stopped him immediately, pushing him off me. What was he doing?.

"God!!, Who ever said you're frigid is the dumbest fool ever, you're the most responsive woman have ever been with" he groaned to me, so that was it?, He kissed me because he wanted to prove a fact, not because he likes me or anything. I blinked in shame and anger.

"Leave" I ordered him out, I won't take this not even if I like him.

"What!!!" He asked, probably he didn't hear me for the first time.

"Please go" I said again, at the verge of breaking down.

"Am sorry" he said as he walked out .

I stared at his retreating figure in pain.

Another chapter from your lazy author.

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Peace out ✌️
Mubeenah .

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