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I was Seating at the head of the table in the conference room for an urgent board meeting , the investors were around and discussing the set up plans for king's cooperation.

King's cooperation has always been known for construction, I plan to start up a petrochemical exploration, neo oil well owned by Mr neo akpofure the oil mogul in Lagos state, unfortunately he is at the verge of bankruptcy, because his wife asked for a divorce and apparently she has taken him to the laundry, and dry him up, she requested for half his properties as part of her alimony, the oil mogul had married her without a pre nuptials, the poor man was willing to sell his dying company to the highest bidder, but no one is willing to buy, except kings , I have an insight for what I do with it, and I know it's going to flourish soon.
My phone beep, I ignore it at first, it was unethical to take a phone call Infront of important guests and I was strict to everyone around here, to follow the rules, I didn't want to bend the rules even for myself, but the phone won't stop beeping.

It was Audrey calling, that's odd because Audrey doesn't call me at this time,does she want me to pick the kids from school?,it's pass their closing hours already.
"Sorry excuse me, let me take this it's important" I said as I stood up, Audrey is my queen, of course I will bend the rules for her.

"Hey baby, missing me already" I teased.

"Daniel,the kids are missing, we can't find them anywhere" she yelled,I was confused , what's that supposed to mean.

"Calm down,what do you mean by that" I asked.

"The driver has been shot, he said they were ambushed by masked men and they took the kids away" she was hip cupping as she explained.

"What!!, Where is the driver now, where are you,am coming to you right now, listen to me babes, calm down,we will find them, I promise" I said but I couldn't really hear anything as she was already wailing uncontrollable.

"Sorry ,the meeting is adjourn, am so sorry, my kids have been kidnapped, I need to go" I explained and that cause an uproar everywhere, nobody knew I have kids, and announcing my kids have been kidnapped took everyone by surprise.

I rush to my car and speed down to the hospital, I hurried to the ER, there I met a hysterical Audrey in Kiara arms ,she stood up immediately she saw me, I rush to her as I held her trembling body in my arms.

"Shhh, it's okay, we will find them I promise" I console her, but I was scared myself, who could have done this?.

My dad and his entourage came in, the commissioner of police has been alerted and all the police in Lagos has been asked to be on standby and watchful, this is an emergency.

The doctor attending to the driver came out of the theater, fortunately the driver survived, we all heave a sigh of relief.

"Can we see him" I asked..

"Yes, but please be quick, he needs to rest" he answered.

And we step into the room,where he was,he was seriously drained and helpless, I was scared out of my mind.

"Mr David,we are really sorry about this unfortunate incident, we thank God your life was spared, we will like to ask you a few questions.

And he nodded, he was ready to answer any questions.

"Tell us what happened, everything you can remember" the inspector asked

"I was picking the kids like usual, I didn't notice anything at first, until I kept wondering why a bus would be going the same route as us the entire time, so I speed up only for another to swerve right Infront of me, three armed men on masks came out of the bus, then they began to argue,I was able to grab what they were saying, the leader I supposedly think, said the client wanted the kids dead, but he could make more money from both the kid's parents and his client if he kidnapped the kids instead of killing them immediately" Mr David narrated.

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