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Forgetting is difficult, remembering is worse.


Song _ broken hearted girls by Beyonce.

My dad came back from his trip and he somehow got winds of the rumours flying around, he was enraged and sent for me.

"Daniel what is this am hearing, you got a girl pregnant? He ask with a piercing gaze.
"No dad,the girl lied against me,but the case is resolve now ,with help from mum" I lied convincingly, glancing at mum as I spoke."Do you know the girl?"he further asked.

"Yes,she is one of my classmate that holds a torch for me" I said as a matter of fact.

"That's how this girls are now my dear, I went to his school to address the matter, she kept saying it was Daniel who was responsible, perhaps she has been jumping from one man to another and doesn't even know who is responsible and she's looking for who to pinned it on. I know Daniel is stubborn, troublesome and a bit rowdy,but he isn't like that" my mum said with confidence. Like she was oozing trust,confident on my character, "if only she knows" I thought.

"If that's the case, then its okay,I hope you are saying the truth, because I don't trust you, you can go"he said dismissively.

"Its true sir" I murmured and left.


Dad couldn't bear the shame of our neighbors finding out I was pregnant so we relocated to another place. Dad was angry at me and kept his distance. I know he wanted disowning me but mum begged him as I was their only child. Mum was really supportive to me. Sonia called me,she didn't say any thing for awhile neither did I, after a long time of silence over the phone ,she said "babes,am not going to judge you, I don't know whatever happened but that doesn't mean am going to abandon you like you are some kind of abomination. Nobody has any right to judge you,we are only Human,we aren't above mistakes, neither are we prefect. So girl raise your head high and smile, you aren't the first girl to get pregnant and you won't be the last." Sonia said gently, I didn't said anything,I just cried silently in reply. She didn't even know what happened to me but she is been supportive without even hearing my own side of the story,friends like this are so hard to find and am glad she's on my side.
"Thanks sonia, you don't know how much this means to me" I said and she hummed
"Aren't you going to ask me how I got pregnant"I said
"Donno,I don't want it coming out offensive"she said and I laugh
"Why will I be offended with your questions" I ask,I swear sonia is a crazy drama queen.
"Nice hearing you laugh after all those crying and whatnot"she said"well you pregnant women tends to behave abnormal, so am treading with caution around one"she said seriously and I laugh. Sonia is a joy ,I can't remember the last time I laugh throughout this weeks.

"Its Daniel's right?"she suddenly ask

"Yes" I whisper

"OK"she said

"But I thought you didn't like the guy" she asked.

"I don't, he's the devil lost son" I cursed .
"What happened between you guys" she asked, I sigh loudly and told her.

"My God!!!" She exclaimed.
"Audrey,am so sorry you had to go through that, have always known Daniel and his friends were terrible people but I didn't know it was to that extent." She said ,I could hear her voice trembling and I hope she doesn't cry because I would too.

I looked out my opened window,a woman was Hawking cooked groundnuts arranged neatly in a tray which was nestled on her head with a folded cloth in between the tray and her head,there were also little boys playing a ball which was looking old and tattered.
"Babes,are you still there? Sonia asked "yeah"I answered.

"You are going to be okay,just pray to God for help,I will also pray for you and I can call you always right? She said "of course, I will really love that, thanks Sonia"I answered.

"Take care of yourself, I will call you another time ,bye love you"

"Thanks girl ,love you too" I reply and she hung up. I smiled sadly,I really miss sonia,I wish I could see her but am happy I got to hear her voice at least .

Days turned weeks and weeks turned months, as my EDD approach , I was really feeling nervous, but mum always did her best to calm my nerves. I was expecting twins, we found out during my scan,mum was really excited, but I was skeptical about the whole thing.
One day,I was drawing water from the tap outside,mum had told me to relax as she will take care of the house chores, but I was feeling guilty especially when she complains of body pains in the evenings. Am supposed to do all the work but here I am stressing my mum, so I help with the little I can even when mum disagrees.
I took the bucket and was heading inside when I trip and fell hitting my back hard on the marble floor, it was so painful that I scream. Mum ran out and tried to help me up "Audrey, have told you not to bother with this chores but you wouldn't listen, look how badly you have hurt yourself" mum scolds me. I tried getting up when I felt that sharp down all the way to my abdomen, I held my swollen belly as I kept chanting God,
I felt liquid gushing out from in between my legs,"mum, my water broke"I manage to say.
"My God, it still three weeks to the due date naah" mum said confused.
"The babies decides on an early arrival" she added, I scream as waves of pain pass through me. "Hang on,let me call your father, we need to go to the hospital"mum said and yell for my dad who came almost immediately, I was taken to the hospital.
I was rushed to the delivery room where the doctor,a kind looking woman patiently attended to me,she had me dilated before instructing me to push ,it wasn't easy, I thought i was going to die, I requested for mum to be with me which the doctor obliged.
Mum came in ,she held my hand ,comforting me ,praying hard.
I kept pushing through pains ,finally after hours of labouring, I gave birth to a baby boy first and five minutes later a girl followed on Christmas Eve. I was exhausted, when the umbilical cord was cut and the babies were laid on my chest for mother_child contact, Immediately I saw them I knew all pain was worth it.

Hey peeps.

This chapter was everything and more.

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