25~love confession

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Song for the chapter _cant help falling in love _ kina grannis.


I pushed him off me, Clara words just couldn't get off my head, what does Daniel really want from me?

"What is it" he asked.

"I should be asking you that, what do you want from me" I asked back.

"I still don't get, we were fine earlier" he answered, ooh so because we kissed, this guy thinks we are an item already, interesting, what a weird way to woo a woman.

"It was just a kiss" I answered back, he looked at me, shocked if I may say, so I just bruised his ego, because it looks like it.

"And king Kong is just a monkey" he answered sarcastically and I almost laugh if the situation haven't been serious, Daniel and sarcastic answer don't go well.

"Talk to me, is any thing the problem" he asked concerned.

"So because I didn't allow you to touch me, it's now a problem" I throw back.

"No, it's not because of that entirely, but the vibe you are giving me, it's like when you were still mad at me, it's cold" he said.

"Of course, I didn't know you were a liar" I stated.

"What did I do, what lie did I tell, I swear am being honest with you in everything I say or do, I promise" he sounds almost pitiful already but I won't allow myself be deceive. Daniel's gender are deceitful beings.

"So why didn't you tell me Clara is in the picture before you kissed me this afternoon, see the kiss was a mistake not that am feeling jealous or anything, but I find it disrespectful that you dare touch me when you are in a relationship with another woman, listen threats doesn't sit well with me, so you should tell your girlfriend to stay away from me" I said in one breath, I didn't even know why I voice it out to him, it sounds like we are in a relationship and am a jealous partner confronting her cheating lover.

"Am allowing you to get jealous" he replied, what the hell is wrong with this guy, so after everything I said jealous is the only word he could pick out.

"Excuse me"

" I mean you have ever right to be angry,See Clara and I broke up,it's been like what 2months since we broke up, even before I met you and the kids the first time at the park, so I don't get where all this is coming from"he replied.

"Guy, look, I get it you don't have to explain anything to me, we are not lovers or anything, we just happens to be parents to the same kids" I stated, I just want a peaceful life for my kids and I,I don't have time for jealous ex girlfriends or love matters.

"I want to be yours and you mine" he suddenly said, and I look at him like guy,you dey ment,when that one start.

"Is it that you suddenly want more children that's why you are trying your hardest to do all this, because all this love, relationship sentimental things doesn't suit you, which one is now, I want to be yours " I stated.

"What does having more kids has to do with this" he queries

"Am I not your baby mama?, I guess you are keeping me around to be having kids for you" I said angrily.

"That's a demeaning thing to say about yourself Audrey, look I know this isn't the right time to say this but I want to prove you wrong, I love you Audrey, I always have and am glad you are my kids mother, I want to be your husband Audrey, I want you to bear my surname" Daniel confess,a tear roll down my eyes,

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