31~disclose identity

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"Pregnant?","Tobi", my mind was in turmoil, all messed up, I can't find a possible word to explain how I feel right now, ever since Kiara disclose Tobias's identity, I've been mad at myself, like how did it happen?, Tobi of all people, it just so unbelievable even to me. And I am as nervous as hell, I can't walk into the hospital, have a test done and expect a negative answer, though I just pray that's the case.

" Are we going to the hospital, do you want me to go with you" Kiara interrupted my thoughts.

"I don't know, I don't feel like going" I answered honestly.

"Why,?, It's better you just do it and get over with it, abi?" Kiara stated and I see a point there.

Suddenly my phone beeped,and an unknown number was calling.

"Is it tobi?"I asked myself.

"Hi" I greeted immediately I picked.

"Hey, Sonia sorry for the unannounced call, where is the house address again, am already in Nigeria" I heard Silas saying.

"Already in Nigeria,how come you didn't say anything about coming today, wait am coming to pick you" I said as I hung up.

"What's up, who is here?" Kiara asked.

"Who else, if not your psycho crush, how can he not say anything about coming today" I cursed angrily.

"Oh mi God!!!!, He's here?, Are we going to pick him from the airport, how am I looking?" Kiara squealed like a little girl offered candy.

"Am going to pick him, not we and you are looking like you always do" I answered.

"Let go jare, let not keep him waiting, thank God I drove here, let use my car" she said as we bade Audrey's parents bye,and walked to her white Audi A4, the king's family aren't only obsessed about fashion, also cars, and Kiara gets the privilege to drive any car she wants.

She drove fast to the airport,we went inside , looking around for Silas.

"Am so nervous" Kiara said

"About?" I asked starting to get irritated about her obsessive crush on Silas.

"Meeting him for the first time" she replied

"Just be yourself, kiki" I said as I sighted Silas from far.

"There he is" I said and wave at him as he walked towards me.

"Hey look at my baby sis, you look good" he said as he gave me a side hug.

"You look dashing as ever, look at you" I mused as I stared at him, Omo he is fine ooo, no wonder Kiara can't stopping crushing on him.

Speaking of Kiara, let me introduce her to him, before she kills me with her deadly glare.

" Meet my friend, Kiara kings,she offered to come pick you up" I said as she stretched her hand out for a handshake.

"Silas" he said as he shook hands with her.

"Thanks for picking me, i apologize for the inconveniences" Silas said and Kiara blush like a fool, Omo love is starting to irritate me sef.

"Let's go, Silas what's with the unannounced return, mum could have prepare your favorite if she knew you were coming today" I said.

"No problem, I just wanted to surprise y'all" he said.

We got to the car, and climb in with Kiara in the driver's seat and I seated at the back,the idiot girl throwing me a grateful look as she finally get to sit with her crush in close proximity.

Youthful Sin (#1 In Sin's Series)Where stories live. Discover now