12~ single mother

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My past is an armor I cannot take off no matter how many times you tell me the war is over.


Song Rockabye by clean bandit, Sean Paul and Anne Marie.

I drove out of the restaurant back to Sonia's house,tears dropped out of my eyes like rain, "don't cry" I keep telling myself but the tears wouldn't stop, my sight was blurred so I park the car and sob as I placed my head on the steering wheel.
"I don't deserve this" I said as I moan in pain.
I stayed like that for a long time before I started the car and drove to sonia house.
She opened the door immediately and rushed out to me, she was shocked to see me,I mean I look comical,with mascara tear streak on my face.
"My god what happened to you baby" she asked as she walked me in.
"Am fine, where are the kids?"I asked looking for tissues to wipe my face before the kids comes out.
"They are asleep" she answered.
"Audrey,what happened, why did you cry?" She asked.
"Sonia, am I that bad of a person" I asked.
"No, why would you think of that"she refute immediately.
"Because I don't understand why things keeps happening in my life.what anyone who knows I have kids without ever been wedded thinks immediately is am a prostitute even my own father thinks that way,sonia,is it my fault I got pregnant. What would they have me do,abort the kids" I lamented as I cried on her chest. I was really tired,of people judging me ,why can't people mind their business.

"Is okay dear, don't let it get to you,don't cry" she consoled me.
"I swear, I shouldn't have gone there, that guy insulted my kids and I " I said.
"Na werey na,all this macho men with no sense" sonia curse and I laugh. She always have a way of making me happy even if it just a little period of time.

"But seriously babes,I thought we'd passed this, you don't let people get to you easily OK,they will try to break you with their words, their judgment but then that shouldn't bother you. They don't know you, they haven't experience the pains you have ,they don't know the sacrifices you had to make for your kids, hell they fucking don't matter in your life so trash them okay love?" Sonia advice with all seriousness and I nodded.
"Thanks babe, I needed to hear that, I don't know what I would have done without you" I cooed and she flip her hair"eeeh naa,na Now you dey know, you for don die since. I made pasta abi you don chop for where you commot from"(is it now you are just knowing, you would have die a long time I made pasta or did you eat from where you are coming from). She tease me and I rolled my eyes.
"I will eat naa" I said getting up to go wash my face.
"Go and wash your face ooo, you look like joker" she said to me as she made her way the kitchen to fix me a plate.
I walk into the bathroom, i stared at myself in the mirror and sighed. Recalling Sonia's words I washed my face,dabbed with a towel and came out.

Fast forward.
I left Sonia's house with the kids, I drove slowly back home so not to wake them as they were still sleeping. I hummed gently to Rockabye by Sean Paul,Anne Marie and clean bandit.
"She tells him ooh love, no one gonna hurt you love, am gonna give you all of my love nobody matter but you"

I stopped when I heard Nicole stirred in her sleep, she's a light sleeper,she wakes up at the slightest noise, very unlike me ,I can sleep and get sold without even knowing, I wonder if she got that from her father. "Father" I said aloud and scoffed, she doesn't have a father, they both don't. He abandoned them long before they were born, I thought bitterly.
I parked the car inside the compound, I check the time, 7:24pm. I woke Nick up to walk by himself inside while I carried nicole. We got inside and I saw dad seated in the living room, watching TV,which I know he isn't really watching as his right foot tap against the floor, something he does when he is angry.
"Good evening dad" I greeted,mum came out from the kitchen and I greeted her also.
"Where are you coming from Audrey" he asked.
"Sonia's place" I answered already uncomfortable with his questions, the kids needs to bathe and get settled in bed,they are tired and had a long day.
"What were you doing in Sonia's place" he continued
"Dad ,can we do this after I get this kids to bed,they're depleted and need to rest" I said as I could see Nicholas yawning and drowsing against my leg where he stood.

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