19~ prostration

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I have decided to stick with love,hate is too big a burden to bear.
Martin Luther King.

Song _ lonely by Justin bieber, photograph by end sheeran.

I drove back home angry at myself, I shouldn't have left the kids with him, I should have drag them into the car despite their protest. Are the kids choosing Daniel over me?, I asked myself but I was quick to discard that thought. They just want to spent time with their father ,I consoled myself with that.

I parked inside the house and went in.

"Audrey dear, you are back?,where are the kids" mum asked. How am I to tell her I left them with Daniel.

"Errrm, i met Daniel at the mall,and Nicole refused to leave with me" I said vexed.

"Don't be angry dear, let them be, he will bring them back, you'll see" mum said and I nod.

"I will just go take a shower,am on my period" I said and hurried to the bathroom.

After bathing, I dressed up and laid on my bed, my stomach was really hurting, I get this a lot when am on my period. Its as if a heated knife was being twisted in my abdomen, when I was younger, I always thought after giving birth, a woman never feel little to no pain during her period, but I guess that's not true.

I heard a knock on my door and I said for the person to come in.

"Drey" I heard my dad called, I looked up to see him standing at my door.

What is he doing here?

"Good evening daddy" I greeted, he walked closer and sat at the edge of my bed

"My dear Audrey, how are you" he started and I rolled my eyes "dear"he said.

"Am fine" I replied nonplussed.

They was a heavy silence, none of us saying anything.

"Baby, talk to daddy, am sorry for not believing you, for not been there when you needed me the most, for the neglect, and the insults. Have always prided myself at been a good father, but now I know better, please forgive me".he apologize. Tears keep falling down my eyes, dad has always been there for me, we were close ,very close. When I was younger, he didn't have a job, we were living from hand to mouth,but at least we were happy,he provide the little he had for me, and I was happy, it was from him, my super hero dad until Daniel came along. He was the villain in my story, he came to robbed us our happiness and trust for each other, whenever I think of that, my hatred increase in folds.

"Am sorry about the kids, about how I treated them. Am so ashamed of myself, I wasn't they for you, for them. But am glad your mum was, i know you are mad at me,I deserve that, I love you and I wanted the best for you, I was disappointed when we were called to your school that day, anger clouded my sense of reasoning, I didn't stop to think my drey, was not like that, am sorry" he kept apologizing as he held my hands, I bursted in tears, he suddenly hugged me as I continued sobbing in his embrace, dad lack of trust for my character hurt me more than Daniel's abuse, or other people's opinions about me, heck he is my father and he was supposed to be with me,not against me. But that's in the past now, am tired of bottling all this hatred in me,I want to be free, I want peace,so I will give in to it.

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