21~meeting family

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Some people come in your life for a reason, others they come in your life for a season.
From lifetime by Justin Bieber.


Song _lifetime by Justin Bieber

It has been two weeks of seeing Daniel's face almost ever day,he is either in the kids school to pick them, or in our place to visit them. I try my possible best to ignore his presence.

Mum tried persuading me to talk to him, but that's not happening.

Today being Saturday, he just brought the kids back from an outing which he invited me to go with them and I turn down, and requested to talk to me, I had refuse but mom being mom always have her way of making me do things I don't want to do.

"Hi" he greeted when I went outside to meet him, I murmur a reply and asked him to be fast with what he wants to say as I had something to do inside.

"I want to bring the kids to my parents tomorrow" he said and I frown.

"Tomorrow and you are just telling me? And why does my kids have to go to a family that didn't want them before, your mom called them bastards remember?" I spat bitterly.

I could see the hurt in his face as his countenance change immediately I said that but I don't give a shit, it makes me feel better after saying that.

"Audrey, they aren't at fault okay, it's all on me, I lied to them, they didn't know what happened between us not until last month, please you can punish me as far as it makes you feel better and me guilty but please let them see the kids, I beg of you" he said.

"Fine" I agreed immediately and I don't know why I said yes without any argument, maybe it's the way he said it.

"Thank you, and if you don't mind, please come with us, they wants to see you most importantly " he added.

"No, am not going, aren't you asking for too much? No you sef ask yourself are you not demanding too much from me,I should go and see your family as per fiancee or baby mama,you are not serious " I lashed out angrily and walked away.

I walk directly into my room and laid down to think, Daniel's actions nowadays so pissed me off, he wants my kids to see his family tomorrow and he is just telling me now and worst of all, he wants me to go with them.

Mum came in and sat beside me.

" Daniel is still outside, I thought you were with him, how come you are here" she asked and I frown.

" Am done talking to him, I don't know why he is still around" I answered nonchalantly.

"Stop frowning,you look like an old woman now, what did you guys talked about that gets you this angry" she said and she soothing my furrowed brows.

"He wants us to have dinner at his family house tomorrow" I replied


"And the idea is stupid mom, why do I have to go see his mom, I didn't know baby mamas also gets introduced to families" I said sarcastic.

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