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I stretch lazily on my bed with my laptop on my thighs, my concentration on the screen,as I tried to complete my thesis,a degree in economics isn't in anyway an easy task,left to me, I would have gladly choose a easier career pathway than been stuck as an economist. I wanted to be an actress, I mean I got the looks, the talent to be just that, the only thing I didn't get was my father's approval. My dad is a perfectionist or perhaps it's just a facade, but babatunde kings wanted his things done perfectly without scandal or mistakes, none of his children should be advertising themselves on tv screen and call it a career, he had said, it's for less privilege people, a quick means of making money.

"You are a heiress to a multi billion conglomerate ,and you should put your act together, you will study economic in school, get familiar with the economy system and help your older siblings in managing the company" he had said,it wasn't something new anyways, he had chosen career for both Stella and Daniel,so I shouldn't expect to be treated differently, my only problem was I dream of the impossible all the time, just like how I dream of been with Silas, ever since I saw his pictures hung on the walls of the afolabi mansion.

Or when he spoke to me at the airport, it was just an exchange of pleasantries but it meant everything to me, and no am not obsess about him, just so in love with him,had it been I was so obsess over him, I would stalk him every where he is or approach him constantly, but no, am only going to shoot my shot at him and I will do that before I leave for the US.
My phone rang, it was my sister calling, I wonder what she wants now.

" Hey sis" I answered.
"Hi lil sis, how are you doing" she asked.

" Fine, how's Joseph" I inquired, Joseph is her husband, he works abroad, so she went to visit him together with the kids.

"He's fine, he sent his regards".

"What's up" I asked.

" Dad told me , you'll be coming back to school, probably after Christmas, I called to check up on you" she said

"Thanks, am fine, am sorting out something before I come" o replied.

"By the way, am trying to get hold of Daniel, but I can't,is he alright?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, he's fine, just a little issues with Audrey, but they'll sort themselves out, when are you coming?" I asked.

"Soon, send my regards to mum, love you " she said and disconnected before I could say anything else, I sigh before getting back to my laptop.


I feel miserable and I haven't felt like this in a long time, I miss Audrey, after our brawl at the hospital last week, I was scared to get closer with her again, apart from been scared , I was really busy. After the news of the kidnapping, reporters lurked around snooping for news, which made Audrey and her parents so uncomfortable,so I had to do something about it.
I did quite a lot of thinking, while am been considerate of her feeling and giving her the space she needs,am longing for her so much. I wanted her to know that despite being away from her, I was always thinking about her, with that, I sent her a present I hope she'll love as an apology gift.


Because of the incident from last week, it was better the kids stay at home for the time being,after all they were through with their exams, Daniel arrange for bodyguards to guard the house, speaking of Daniel, I miss him so much, he isn't here, but he was so thoughtful to arrange things of necessity, like for instance, the bodyguards he arrange help with the reporters, I had wanted to get a few things from a convenience store , I was caught unaware by a few reporters spying around the house, they pull their cameras up to my face,and I ended up being hit with a camera to my nose.
Daniel was angry, and threatened to sue them,if he saw anything about us on papers.
Thankfully,they stopped coming, but Daniel and I didn't say anything after that day. I really wanted to call him but I won't know what to say anyways.
There was a knock on my door, it must be my mom.

"Come in" I said softly.

"Audrey, come out for a while, there's something for you" she informed me, I was curious?, Something for me?, But I didn't order anything?.

I walked outside, only to see a white roll Royce phantom staring back at me.
With a bouquet of red roses and a gift card in Daniel's handwriting which state.
To the love of my life, am sorry for jeopardizing our kids lives in my unfinished affairs, accept this as a token of my apologize and my undying love to you and our kids, please take me back,I miss you.

I smiled In tears, Daniel is so sweet, I can't believe he got me a car. I looked up to see him standing at the gate watching me, he was contemplating whether to come to me or stay away, and I flew to him, and hug him immediately, I sigh in satisfaction as I smelled his cologne and his hands wrapped tightly around me.

"Am sorry babe, I miss you so much" he said.
" Am sorry too, I shouldn't have blame you,I was just angry okay, I miss you, I didn't mean to break up with you" I replied.
"It's fine " he said as peck my forehead, I sigh in relief, thank God we are back together.
And the next hours, we played with the kids,and Daniel said something about planning a birthday party for them. Nicole was happy, she began listing names of her friends she would invite over, but nick was awfully quiet, he has been that way since they were rescue,I was really worry, from my point of view as a phycologist, I think the experience took a toll on him, but with time and reassurance about their safety,he would be fine.

Suddenly, king's cooperation wants to invest in folxim , it's really surprising, I mean they're not based on pharmaceutical products, so why will they want to invest a lot of money into a dying company, but only one way to find out, meeting with Daniel kings.

"Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting" Daniel apologize as soon as he saw me waiting for him at the restaurant we agreed on.

"No problems, thanks for coming" I replied, beckoning at the waiter to come take his orders, after that has been settled.

"Let get down to business shall we" I started softly as I scanned through the contract Infront of me, it's really an impressive offer, apart from him investing in the company, he also widen the branch for it,by reviewing on its products and bringing investors. I watched him as he slowly cut his steak.

"Why are you doing this, I mean why are you helping out?" I asked.

"We are going to be business partner, of course I won't want to do business with a company at the verge of bankruptcy" he stated,I found that amusing, Daniel king is an arrogant narcissist.

"I think apart from that they should be a reason, this is a mouth watering offer, apart from that, help from your contacts with go a long way,it pickles my interest that you know" I said.

"I read up about folxim, it's has been in existence for over 35years, it's legendary, it can't come crumbling because of a little issues,and both your siblings help greatly in tracing my kids whereabouts, am forever grateful to them" he said.

"Thanks very much for this, it means a lot to my parents" I appreciated.

"We are family, c'mon it's nothing, family stick together in times of need, Sonia is a great friend of ours,and she's my kids godmother, of course am ever ready to help" he replied, I nodded curtly at him. We ended up getting to know each other there before leaving.

Hey my darling, so sorry for the late update. Here's a chapter for you.
Youthful sin is closing up, am going to miss all my wonderful characters here, that's why I decided to bring them back in the sequel coming back after this book, titled obsessive sin, it's a nice continuation of YS, y'all going to love it.
But before that, give me the credit I deserve, please vote, comment, and share. I would know you love this book as much as I did.

Peace out ✌️

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