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The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong
Mahatma Gandhi.

Song _say something by a whole big world, ghost by Justin bieber.

I woke up to a persistent headache, I cried myself to sleep last night and I didn't even had dinner, I am so hungry right now.
I yawned,stretched and got off the bed,I check the time to see 9:16am.

"Shit" I slept in and the kids, am supposed to get them ready for school, I don't want them to miss school on my account, and besides they are writing their exams,and it will be so bad if they miss any.
I hasten my prayer and ran off to check on them,I didn't see them in their room, I walked to the living room,to see mum knitting, she always does that to pass time,my mum works at an NGO, relating mostly to child, abusive relationship and the likes. I had actually helped their NGO advocate on breast cancer, sometimes ago, and I must admit I had fun. Creating awareness to ignorant people is always nice and also educative, I learnt somethings myself.
"Good morning mum" I greeted her, and she asked how I was.
"Am fine, where are the kids, I couldn't find them in their room, I woke up late" I explained.
"Yeah,that's so unlike you, you must have been tired,anyways your dad took them to school" she answered as she concentrated on the sweater she was making.
"Dad?, why will he do that" I asked,not really liking the idea of him taking them to school, even if it was to relieve me,they aren't comfortable around him and he doesn't even like them ,what if he says something to rilled them,kids are sensitive to things and words around them, I have enough on my plate and I don't have the strength to argue with dad.

"Why can't he, he is their grandfather"mum shrug, and I rolled my eyes careful not to let her see me do that.
"He has never done that before, so am surprised" I answered truthfully.
"He is their grandpa, let him make up for lost time, besides its on his way to work" she continued and I just let the matter slide.

I turned to leave but she called me back.
"Sit down,I want to talk to you" she ordered and I sat down beside her.
"The young man who came here yesterday is the kids father, right" she asked even when she already knew.

"Yes,but I prefer he wasn't" I retort viciously.
"Not that tone on me young lady" she warned.

"Sorry ma, yes he is Daniel" I answered.
"Your dad and I heard what you both were arguing about, Audrey dear am sorry you had to go through that,I am ,so is your dad, I won't talk about your father here ,I do hope the two of you sit and talk, he had treated you badly, but I do hope you forgive him, he was just disappointed,but he never stop loving you" she said as she squeezed my hand entwined in hers.

"And the Daniel boy,I know you are angry at him,By God I am too, he desecrated my daughter's precious body and left her pregnant that's enough disrespect on his part, but my dear, what is done is done. We can't Change what has happened, but we have to move on and also forgive. Forgiving him doesn't make you a fool, it means you are willing to take a chance to heal and also for peace. Forgiveness doesn't change the past, but it pave way for the future, no one is forcing you to do what you don't want to, but you deserve to be happy Audrey, you are my only child and its hurts me to see you this way, you fake this smile to the world but only your pillow can tell the real truth" she said to me as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I was touched ,I hate it when mum cries especially when it's because of me.

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