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I awoke to the beeping sound of my phone , groggily I took my phone to check,and there in my email was message, from my previous working place.
Dear Sonia afolabi.
In regards to your three weeks suspension, the company will like you to resume , effectively come Monday.
Thanks for your cooperation and we apologize for the inconveniences.

And that got me giggling with excitement, here I was thinking how to get another job, and God performed his neverending miracle for me.

Suspension?, I thought I was fired, I sighed in confusion.

I stood up from the bed and stretch my body, wash my face in the bathroom and walk to the kitchen to get water and there I met a shock.

Tobi was standing in my kitchen with my favorite mug in his hands .

I stare in awe as he flash me a million dollars killer smile, chai this man is fine, but am so angry to even acknowledge that .

"What are you doing here, how did you get into my house?" I asked angrily.

"I came to see you, and I came in through the door" he answered nonchalantly.

"How did you get pass my door, it was locked" I stated.

"Matter of fact, I picked the lock, sorry a bad habit, I know, anyways your apartment was a little messy, you should show gratitude, I clean up for you" he said as he sip my precious chamomile tea from my precious mug , the nerve of this guy!!!

"I should sue you for stalking and trespassing" I said angrily.

"You can't sue me, we have a relationship together,you know that " he retort.

"We don't have any relationship together" I said

"We do, you slept with me ,you have to take responsibility for me" he said and I cringe in embarrassment.

"That doesn't mean anything, you took advantage of me when I was drunk, besides you have slept with other women before and have been with other men too, do I have to take responsibility for all the guys I slept with?" I said angrily.

"You seduced me, you started it, so don't open your beautiful lips to say I took advantage of you Babyface, it was consensual"he said and before I could rebuke him, he placed his hands on my lips and said

"Don't talk about other guys, when you have only been with me babydoll, and about me taking responsibility for other women, you're the only woman who have slowly diffuse into my system and I can't seem to take you out " he said and I felt butterflies in my stomach or maybe it's the baby, speaking of baby, is this the right time to tell him am pregnant, would he acknowledge it or deny it, just like his friend did years ago, I was stuck in between different thought.

"Are you okay, you suddenly look pale" he asked and I smile weakly.

"Am fine, just a little tired" I replied.

"Maybe you should sit, are you hungry, should I order for you" he asked as he escort me to sit in the living room.

"Thanks" I said as I sat down.

"What would you like to eat" he asked as he brought out his phone to place a order.

"Am fine, am not hungry" I said, I have things on my mind and food isn't on of those.

"Are you sure you are fine, you look really pale, I should get you water" he said and made to leave

"Am pregnant" I said as quiet as I can.

"Excuse me?" He turned at me, his face void of any emotions.

"I said, am pregnant, it's yours" I answered and felt I needed to add it's his, since I already said I slept with other men after him.

"What!!!,how?" He asked in awe .

"What do you mean how, didn't you sleep with me, did I ask you not to use protection?" I retort all fired up .

"What, calm down, don't get all worked up, let me get this in, you said you're pregnant right?, You are having a baby?" He asked.

"Yes, we are having a baby" I pluralize it, this guy shouldn't play dumb with me.
They was a heavy silence, before he replied

"it's mine, am going to be a father!!, Oh my god, that's good news" he said as he lifted me off my feet and twirl me around the room.

"Stop, stopppp!,you making me dizzy" I chuckled softly.

"Sorry, are you okay" he asked as he put me down.

"Yeah" I replied. I am surprised at his reaction, I was expecting him to deny it first, not like I was going to let him do that, but he surprised me.

"You are happy about it" I asked.

"Of course,I will be having a little princess in months to come, wow" he said excited.

"We don't know if it's a girl, it could be a boy" I replied amused.

" It's a girl, am sure, she will be as beautiful as her mom" he continues.
And we ended up arguing about it all afternoon. Tobi order for food and we settle down to eat, suddenly his phone rang.

"Oh, it's Daniel, I wonder why he is calling me" he said as he picks.

"Hey man what's up"

"What!!!!!, How did that happen" he yelled, I got startled, what happened.

"Where are you guys right now, okay am on my way " he ended the call and stood up.

"What happened,is everything alright " I asked.

"Daniel's twins have been kidnapped " he answer.


Hey peeps how're y'all doing.

Here is a chapter for you.

Sorry it's short.

Youthful sin is coming to an end, less than 5 chapters to go.

I was thinking about a sequel to this book, I really enjoy writing this story and I don't want it to end too soon, so a sequel coming up after this, but not immediately Sha, am really occupy with school works.

Let me know your thoughts.

Please vote,comment and share, invite your friends to read this book, am sure it's worth your time right?

Peace out ✌️

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