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Song for the chapter: I guess I'm in love by Clinton Kane.

The twins had a wonderful birthday and Christmas Eve party thanks to their overly generous dad, he arranged a theme Disneyland party for them, my beautiful Nicole were wearing a Cinderella gown with a glass shoe, while nick went for the peter pan look, of course they invited their friends from school,they had fun for sure.
The next day which is a Christmas day, the king's family rented a private yacht just for family get together, my parents were invited so was Sonia's family, surprisedly I finally got to meet Daniel's four friends all at once, Steve was avoiding eye contacts with me, so were the others, tobi was the only one to say hi to me.
I guess they were embarrassed or probably guilt ridden to say anything.

"Hey guys" Daniel greeted as he shook hands with them.

"My guy" they replied in unison.

"Merry Christmas" Daniel wished as he usher them to the gathering.

"Merry Christmas Audrey" Richard dared to say, Audrey smiled back at him before she replied him back.

"Meet my wife,Jane" he introduce a pretty lady with red wig besides him,a ring pierce in between her nose, she's drop dead gorgeous.

"Hi Jane, merry Christmas, you look good" I acknowledge.

"Thanks, you too" she smiled.
I was feeling really uncomfortable with the stares I was getting From the guys,so I excuse myself in search of Sonia or Kiara. I met kiara sitting in a corner alone, she's been acting really weird lately, I hope she's fine?.

" Hey kiki, are you okay?, Why are you sitting here all alone?" I asked her as I sat beside her.

"Am fine, how are you?" She asked, I knew she was changing the subject and I won't let her

"Hey, talk to me, what's it?" I pushed.

"Am leaving soon" she suddenly said.

"Leaving where?" I asked confused.

"Back to the US, to school" she answered.

"Why, you said you finished your first degree already" I asked.

"My dad wants me to go for my masters, am so heartbroken, I planned on living my baby girl lifestyle, traveling the world, you know that kind of stuff na?, Then my old man spoilt everything for me, everytime school, company, reputation, that's all he thinks of, he doesn't even care about me" she said angrily, I wanted to defute to that, with the little time I came to spend with chief , I learnt nothing is more important than his family.

"Don't worry, it's for your own good, c'mon girl, cheer up, where did my energetic Kiara go?, Because this sulking old woman here isn't her?" I teased her.

"Stop that, am not old, am in the best time in my prime " she rebuke hotly.

"Alright, let go party" she finally said.
We went back to the gathering, the entire family had fun, we discuss various things and had dinner together. With Jane and Richard be all lovey dovey.

"Attention everyone" Daniel says he hits his spoon to his glass to draw everyone attention to him.

" I have an announcement to make, but before then, I just want to wish you all a wonderful merry Christmas, and I appreciate your presence here today, thanks everyone for coming " he said calmly.

Tobi raised his glass to Daniel in acknowledgement.

"Back then when I was younger and freer, love was a fleeting concept that just didn't sense to me, not until I met Audrey. A lot of things happen in our lives, but all I know is everything happened for a reason, including our lives together, it was already entwined by fate" he said as he walk towards where I was sitting, going down on his knees, he continued

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