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Yeosang hummed as he continued writing down the notes as the professor kept talking.

He was currently in the university, third year of economics and everything is going smoothly for him. Having five close friends, good grades and a job seems like every person's dream.

Well, not really. Apart from having all that, Yeosang hates San and Jongho. They were the so called 'Bad boys' or just jocks like Yeosang would call them. They always make fun of people for the stupidest reasons even though they are more than 20 years old.

Yeosang hates to admit it, but they were handsome too. That's why girls throw themselves on them even though they are just assholes.

Choi Jongho keeps picking on Yeosang ever since they were in the late high school, without any particular reason that Yeosang knows about and sadly they also go to the same university now so they have to see each other every day.

"Okay, so. Does anyone know the answer?" The teacher asked a few minutes later.

Yeosang was a few of people who actually liked math and knew it, so he raised his hand to answer.

"Yeosang! Of course it's you again. Please give us an answer." She smiled. 

He smiled back. "The answer is 7654.98 miss."

The teacher nodded. "That the correct answer!"

Yeosang sat back in his chair with a proud feeling. Wooyoung, his best friend, cheered at him silently. But what he heard was a laugh from the last row. They turned to see Choi Jongho laughing at Yeosang before shaking his head. He mumbled something, but he couldn't really hear a lot.

The only thing he heard was "Nerd.." and that's it. Yeosang didn't really care and just rolled his eyes to face the board again.

He won't waste time on Jongho when he has better things to do.

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"Bitch, stop eating my chicken!" Yeosang slapped the male's hand.

Wooyoung pouted and sat back. The two best friends were currently unbothered and ate lunch after their classes in collage finished.

"You were talking about San and how he keeps picking on you?"

Wooyoung hummed. "Yeah. Fucking asshole can't leave me alone for god's sake! We are in collage, damn it."

"He keeps acting like a child. His gang is so annoying, Jongho guy the most. He keeps laughing whenever I answer something in class."

Yeosang never liked them, specially because they keep picking on Wooyoung. He doesn't care much about himself, but it's still not okay if they do it.

Wooyoung groaned. "Yeah, I heard that. I wanted to spoon out his eyes with the pencil then."

Yeosang laughed shortly before continuing to eat. He loves when Wooyoung says stupid things like those.

"Don't fuck with me." He heard the younger mumbled with a death stare while he looked somewhere.

Yeosang gulped before turning around. His attention was caught by the two males walking forward to them. They were Jongho and San. Yeosang felt like crying just by seeing them due to how much he hated them.

"Oh my god-"

"Hi, friends!" San teased with an annoying smile.

Yeosang sighed before sharing a look with Wooyoung. Jongho stood by his side with a smirking smile and his hands crossed over his chest.

"I told you this was a bad idea-"

"Oh, why?" San asked and sat next to Wooyoung. "Let us join, you won't say no to your friends right?"

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