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It's been a couple of weeks since Yeosang and Jongho have seen each other, almost a month to be exact.

Jongho has been staying in the house as Yeosang was still over to Wooyoung's. Ever since he told the police about Haewon and maybe Iseul, everything has been bothering him. He tried texting Yeosang, but the male never replied nor read his texts. Jongho has been lonely ever since he left, and it's definitely starting to take a tool on his health.

He barely slept or ate anything because he was too buried in his work. Jongho missed Yeosang so much, but he definitely missed his kids the most. Jongho was still in shock that they were going to get twins, a boy and a girl even.

Even if his heart is full now, Jongho missed them even more.

He wanted to be there to feel everything that Yeosang is feeling. Every craving, feeling, kick or anything that is happening. Jongho wanted to be there for him and for his kids. Seems like Yeosang took away his mind too since Jongho can't think about anything else than them.

His days started becoming the same. He wakes up early, comes late, barely sleeps or even goes home. Today was one of the days that Jongho actually came earlier just because his dad forced him to. He also saw how bad it was, specially since the police is taking too much time and gave Jongho a couple of advices.

He sighed as he closed the door since Gahyeon already left, and Jongho won't blame her.

It was too late now, and Jongho's head hurt.

He lied down his work bag on the floor of their shared room, undoing the buttons on his shirt but stopped once he saw the small figure on the bed.

Garfield lied on Yeosang's side of the bed on the side, not even sleeping or looking at Jongho once he entered the room.

He lied there and somehow seemed sad since his tail didn't move the way it used to. Jongho pressed his lips in a line before he changed into his clothes and decided how he will take a shower in the morning.

The male lied next to the cat, petting his ginger fur a bit as he stared at him. Jongho still remembers when Yeosang begged him to get a cat, and he just couldn't keep saying no at his cuteness.

He smiled at the memory and petted Garfield, but the cat still didn't move and instead remined laying down with his small legs on the side.

"You miss him too, huh?" Jongho mumbled to the cat like it could understand him.

He smiled a bit when he realized that at least someone understands him. Jongho rubbed his ear and shifted into a better position.

"Do you think Yeosang would be able to forgive me?" Jongho mumbled again.

The cat's tail moved on the mention of Yeosang. Jongho chuckled at that, clearly a bit happy that Garfield also misses him.

"You like him more than me, huh? I get you though. Who wouldn't like Yeosang? He is so beautiful." Jongho mumbled as he continued stroking the ginger fur.

The cat let out a small meow as he clearly felt a bit happier, like he could understand that Jongho was talking about Yeosang.

Jongho lied there and continued cuddling their pet, thinking what should he do with all the Yeosang situation. He needs him back, and Jongho will get him back.

He sighed. "What should I do?"

There was a small silence as they lied down.

"Why am I talking to you like you can understand me?" Jongho mumbled to Garfield as he licked his paw.

They continued laying there for a bit, and it was definitely over midnight now. Jongho felt so sad now that Yeosang is not here, and the worst part was definitely sleeping without him. Jongho suddenly paused, pausing his hand just before the cat's fur.

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