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"And what do we do now?" Jongho sighed as he rubbed his temples.

Yeosang turned his head to look at his husband who seemed very stressed while talking to someone on the phone.

He looked down when he felt something around his feet. Yeosang let out a smile when he saw Garfield waving his tail as he looked up to Yeosang. The male took him in his arms as the cat meowed and Yeosang pressed a kiss onto his fur before he continued to listen to Jongho talking.

They are back at home now, and Yeosang has never missed sleeping with Jongho as much as he did for the past month. Everything is okay now, and Yeosang can't wait to meet their kids. No one is bothering them, but Yeosang is scared that Haewon might come back.

"Okay, bye.." Jongho sighed again before he ended the call and placed the phone next to his laptop on the coffee table in their living room.

"What's wrong?" Yeosang asked as he saw that worried look.

Jongho smiled lightly upon seeing his husband and their pet. It was like all that was gone now in just a second.

"Nothing much, the police just called me."

Yeosang titled his head before letting the cat down. "What happened?"

Jongho ran his fingers through his brownish hair, licking his lips as he looked at his husband. He looked uneasy, but he also looked sure about something. Yeosang wasn't really sure what it was, but he wants to help Jongho.

"Haewon and your dad can't be found anywhere in the Korea or Seoul, and by the last signals of her phone, they were on the boat for Japan."

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he placed his hand on the lower back.

"So it is true that they are together." he sighed in disappointment.

"Yeah, probably."

Yeosang shook his head. His dad was always an asshole, but to lie to his mom about the cheating when she already asked was too much.

"Why did they even leave? To continue their relationship where no one will know?"

Jongho hummed. "They are assuming that him and Haewon stole the money since there is a lot of it suddenly in her bank account. No way in hell she has that much money."

Yeosang sighed. He was used to him doing too much awful stuff, specially when he made him marry Jongho (which definitely turned out better then expected) or when he said that he should have gotten rid of him earlier.

"Maybe one of her sugar daddies died so she had to go to Japan and find another.." Yeosang mumbled.

Jongho just had to laugh at that. Yeosang sighed as he reminded himself of his dad.
It was all already known to him, but Yeosang felt bad for his mom.

"I feel bad for my mom.." He mumbled.

Jongho gave him a small sad smile before he petted his lap and invited him to sit there. "Come here."

Yeosang shook his head to reply, but then Jongho rose up from the sofa and his wrist was grabbed.

He let out a small whine in disapproving, but Jongho just pulled him close. Yeosang was forced to sit on Jongho's lap and look at the male's laptop as he placed his hands on each side of the elder's huge stomach and chin over Yeosang's shoulder.

"Jongho, I'll crush you-" He was cut off by the lips pressing into the corners of his own.

"Nonsense. You're still light as feather."

Yeosang sighed as he just gave up, instead relaxing in Jongho's lap and placing his hands on top of his husband's.

"And what should we do now since they are over the border now?" Yeosang mumbled as he played with Jongho's fingers.

Jongho kissed his temple. "First off, you shouldn't worry your little head about it. The last thing I want is for you to be under stress about that. It also has a bad influence on the babies."

Yeosang nodded. He completely understands that Jongho wants to keep him away from that, but it also worries him.

"I know, but you can't keep it to yourself. I deserve to know too-"

"Baby." Jongho's voice made him stop rambling.

Yeosang blinked as he turned his head to him. Jongho let out a small sigh before he pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"I don't plan on keeping anything to myself. You deserve to know about everything that happens with this, but I just don't want you to feel stressed about those things."

Yeosang looked him in the eyes for a couple of moments before nodding. Jongho let out a small smile before he pressed their lips together.

"I'm not trying to make you upset. I'm just worried about you, you know?"

Yeosang nodded with a small smile.

"I know already, don't worry."

Jongho pressed their lips together again, keeping them like that for a few moments before they parted and Yeosang shifted in Jongho's lap.

"I really don't want to break our moment, but can we please switch positions? My back hurts even more like this." Yeosang whined.

Jongho nodded. "Of course. Why didn't you say so earlier?"

Yeosang let out a yelp as he was lifted up bridal style. He held onto Jongho's shoulders as the male placed him down on the other side of the bed so he was laying down with his legs in Jongho's lap.

"You could've warned me, you know?" He pouted, making Jongho chuckle.

"Sorry babe. Is it at least better?"

Yeosang nodded with a smile, mumbling a small thank you as Jongho rubbed his swollen ankles. They stayed like that until Jongho suddenly leaned over elder's legs and placed his head on Yeosang's belly lightly.

Yeosang chuckled. "Don't you have work to do, Mr. Choi?"

Jongho groaned. "I do, but no work is more important than my beautiful husband and my kids."

Yeosang felt butterflies in his stomach.

"I thought you were becoming a CEO?" He gasped sarcastically.

"I am in a month, but I'm too lazy to work now. It's so hot and I'm tired of those numbers already!" Jongho whined.

There was a small sudden kick from Yeosang's stomach, making both of them laugh slightly as it looked like one of the babies kicked Jongho's head.

Jongho lifted his head up and turned it towards his stomach. "But I wasn't even that loud, why are you kicking me?"

Yeosang couldn't keep his smile as he ran his fingers through Jongho's hair.

"They just love you. That's their way of expressing the love for now."

Jongho smiled before pressing a kiss on the baby bump. "I know, I love them too."

Yeosang smiled and continued running his fingers through Jongho's hair as he again placed his head on his stomach lightly.

"I know you don't want to talk about this again, but you told me how you had a plan about all this." Yeosang suddenly spoke up after a few minutes.

Jongho looked up to him again before he hummed.

"Yeah, I do."

"So? Tell me about it."

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