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Wooyoung let out a squeal into Yeosang's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around the elder's waist.

"Oh my god, you actually are pregnant! It better not be a prank or I will never forgive you for making me excited about my little nephew!"

Yeosang and Jongho came over to Wooyoung to tell him the news, and seems like the male also had some news about him and San. (Who also stayed over at the younger's home more than his own.)

Yeosang smiled when they pulled away and Wooyoung hugged Jongho too.

"It's very real, don't worry. I think you will be the best uncle ever..." He paused.

"After Seongmama." He finished.

Wooyoung tsked and playfully rolled his eyes before sitting back across them. He knows it's a joke though.

San chuckled and hugged them too, rubbing Yeosang's back as Jongho smiled at the scene from next to Yeosang.

"Congrats! I bet Jongho's mom is over the moon for that."

Yeosang hummed. "She was. I literally saw tears in her eyes when I showed her the test. I bet they are both happy."

Jongho chuckled before wrapping his arm around the elder's shoulder and pulled him closer. Ever since Yeosang told him about the pregnancy a few days ago, Jongho has been cuddling him and just keeping him close no matter what.

Even if everyone was happy about them, Jongho is afraid of Yeosang's parents and how will they react.

He knows that Yeosang was also afraid. Even if they said it was the main point of the whole arranged marriage thing, Yeosang's dad might just act like nothing is wrong and instead insult Yeosang even if he got what he wanted.

Jongho won't let anyone near his husband, specially not now or ever again.

"So do you guys have any special wishes for the gender?" San asked with a smile after they finished talking about something.

Yeosang hummed. "I don't actually. I just hope everything will go well and the baby is healthy."

Jongho's hand rubbed his upper arm as he nodded slowly in agreement.

"I would love to have a daughter, but even if it won't be a girl I would love my child the same."

Yeosang and him shared a look, and the older smiled at him before he got a kiss on the cheek.

"But I would love to have twins or triplets one day too." Jongho chuckled.

Yeosang raised his eyebrow as he looked at Jongho. He isn't sure if the male was joking now or not, but Yeosang definitely hopes it's a joke.

"Won't it be cute to have two same babies?" Jongho asked with a cute smile.

"Don't you know it's way harder with two babies then one? Plus I am the one who is giving birth, not you." Yeosang playfully rolled his eyes.

Wooyoung laughed at the couple.

"Man, you guys are going to be amazing parents. I wish you all the best and I hope the baby is healthy... or babies." He shrugged.

Yeosang blushed. "Okay, let's change the theme- What's going on with you guys?"

San and Wooyoung shared a look before nodding slowly. Jongho hummed as he waited for them to say anything.

"We decided to give it a try. We went out on a couple of dates and we are taking things slow now." San smiled at Wooyoung.

Yeosang nodded with a smile. "I'm happy for you guys. You are finally getting along and you don't argue about dumb stuff anymore, that's definitely a process."

San smiled widely, wrapping his arm around Wooyoung's shoulder just like Jongho did to Yeosang.

"It's definitely a process. I hope it will be even more than just a dating stage and get into an actual relationship.." Wooyoung smiled.

The four friends continued talking about some random stuff, laughing and having fun while drinking some tea.

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Wooyoung closed the door with a smile as Jongho and Yeosang left. San cleaned the mugs they used for the tea, and Wooyoung allowed himself to watch a bit as he thought about something.

He has been thinking about kissing San as long as the time when they went in the cinema, but Wooyoung always chickened out.

So he used that as a opportunity to come to San and stand on his fingers to wrap his arms around the elder's shoulders. He let out a smile against his shoulder as the older male continued to wash the dishes.

San chuckled. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Can't I hug you?"

"Of course you can, you don't even have to ask about that. But why all of the sudden?" San asked as he rubbed his hands dry with a paper towel.

He turned around and leaned against the counter before pulling Wooyoung closer by his waist. The male hided his blush by a smile as he played with San's shirt.

"It's just.. something I want to do has been on my mind ever since we went to the cinema. Maybe even before that."

San raised his eyebrow as he rubbed his waist. "What is it? You know I want you to trust me Wooyoung. You can tell me anything."

He nodded. "And I do trust you, but I'm just not sure how you will react to it."

"Come on, it can't be that bad-"

San was cut off by the warm hands cupping his cheeks and lips pressing against his own. He widened his eyes as they stared like that for a few moments. Wooyoung's lips were so soft and they felt so good against his own, and no matter how taken back San was, he definitely wanted to feel them more.

But the younger soon moved away and looked him in the eyes. Wooyoung blushed like crazy as San continued holding him close even then, tightening his hold on his waist.

San chuckled. "That's it?"

Wooyoung blushed harder. "W-what-"

"I expected you would kiss me more, why did you only press our lips together?"

"T-that's a kiss, what do you mean-"

"No, that's not a kiss. That's literally a peck." San paused as he leaned closer to him.

"Want me to show you what is a real kiss?" He whispered to Wooyoung.

The male felt shivers coming down his spine. San is insanely hot and he doesn't know what is he doing to Wooyoung. Their lips were connected not even a second later, and San didn't waste time to move them.

Wooyoung's lips moved immediately against his as he wrapped his arms around San's shoulders. They both added more pressure and passion in the kiss, even if it was just lips moving against each other.

A hand came to hold Wooyoung's chin lightly when he started moving away. San let out a small whine as he pulled the male's head closer again, keeping him from going away and keeping their lips connected.

Wooyoung chuckled against his lips when he did that. San kept kissing his lips even if he wanted to pull away to take a breath.

"I need to breath..." He mumbled and San let out a small hum before parting from him.

He kept the male close as Wooyoung completely lied against him. San let out a laugh, and that made Wooyoung smile too.

"What a way to be romantic."

He hummed. "Specially in the kitchen. We really suck at romance."

"Well better it be in the kitchen than not even happening at all." San laughed as he ran his hand through Wooyoung's hair.

What a way to kiss someone you like, but Wooyoung and San wouldn't change it for anything else.

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