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It all felt weird. The whole vibe today was weird for Yeosang and he isn't sure if he should be afraid now.

Ever since Jongho did that thing with pulling him close last night and looking at his lips for the second time already, Yeosang couldn't stop thinking about it. His hands holding him around his waist was really...somehow nice. Yeosang felt so safe when Jongho did that.

But why? They were supposed to be enemies! Why was Jongho being so nice to him suddenly when he was the one saying how they should create a plan to stop the wedding?

Yeosang somehow doubted it was for Eunsu. She was working and was away a lot, so Jongho must be lying. When he got out of his room, it was awfully quiet. Usually the maids or Jongho's parents were chatting before leaving for work and Yeosang for school since he didn't want to wait for Jongho.

"What the fuck?..." Yeosang slowly mumbled to himself as he fixed a strap on his bag and started walking down the stairs.

It was still quiet, and Yeosang would be lying if he wasn't starting to get scared now. What if someone is trying to kill him?

He tiptoed to the kitchen as shivers ran through his spine. Yeosang slowly peeked out from the corner, but what he saw was Jongho with a wooden spoon while he stirred something on the stove.

Turning his head around quickly, Yeosang quietly started to walk back. He hoped Jongho didn't see him, so he just started walking towards the door.

Thank god.. Yeosang thought to himself as he sighed and placed his hand on the door knob.

He twisted it and just as Yeosang was about to open the door, a hand on top of it slammed it shut. Yeosang widened his eyes as he looked back at Jongho, letting himself be pressed onto the door as the male let out a smile.

"Where are you going?" Jongho asked.

"T-to the school. Why?"

The younger furrowed his eyebrows.

"But you didn't even eat breakfast. What if you faint?"

"I'm fine, I'm not really hungry now-"

However, Yeosang let out a yelp as he was lifted up and carried towards the table. Jongho held him up with the back of his thighs so Yeosang had no choice but to wrap his legs around his waist.

"Hey, let me down! You did this for the second time already! Jongho-"

However, the younger didn't pay attention to him and just went to the kitchen. A plate was slid over to Yeosang not too long afterwards. "Just shut up and eat your breakfast."

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. What the hell is going on today?

"Jongho, why are you doing this?"

"Why not? Can't we at least try and be on good terms even though we hate each other?"

Yeosang blinked. "But why?"

"As I said, why not? It's not like we have a choice with that marriage thing. We can at least talk like a normal adult people if we can't be friends. We should face this whole thing together after all."

"All of a sudden? What is going on with you lately?"

Jongho shrugged before sitting down across from him.

"Just figured out we might at least be cool with each other."

"But our friends hate each other and you know that." Yeosang squinted his eyes.

"So? Do they have to know about it? Besides, what do they have to do about this when it's you and me we are talking about here? It's us who don't have a choice."

Yeosang sighed. Jongho had a point there, and he hated to admit it. 

"Yeah, you're right."

Jongho smiled at him. "So, what do you say?"

Yeosang looked down at his plate before looking up at him again. He knows how much they hated each other, but he knows Jongho had a point there. It won't hurt to try, right?

"Okay, let's at least try and be good to each other." The blonde paused. "But I somehow doubt we will pass even 2 days."

"Well, let's try hard and nothing will happen. I hope so at least." Jongho joked lightly.

Yeosang let out a small laugh before rolling his eyes at the joke. Jongho clapped his hands once before speaking again.

"Okay, let's eat. We still have to get to school before we are late."

Yeosang nodded before taking a bite of his breakfast.

► ► ► ► ►

"I told you to eat faster, but of course you don't wanna listen to me!" Yeosang yelled as he ran through the hallway with Jongho following him.

"Well, I'm sorry mister 'have to be on time'. What should I do? Choke with the food?" Jongho said in annoyance as he ran behind Yeosang.

Ah yes, an hour didn't even pass and they are already arguing.

"This isn't going to work out this easy.." The blonde mumbled.

"Just go to your class, we'll talk later." Yeosang said to Jongho, and the boy just rolled his eyes and did as he was told.

Yeosang got inside of the classroom not too long after, stopping the teacher and everyone in the room. All eyes were on him now.

"Uh- I'm sorry for being late, miss. I woke up la-"

"Kang, this is already 4th time! I'm not letting you go this time, or any time you are going to be late from now on. Detention after class!"

Yeosang just sighed before bowing down. "Yes ma'am."

Wooyoung laughed at him, getting a small slap on the hand from Hongjoong. Yeosang sat down next to them and gave his friend a glare, clearly not happy with the whole situation.

So much for being good to each other.

Yeosang watched as the teacher explained something, but he tried not to fall asleep due to how boring it was actually.

So he carefully took his phone out of the jeans and clicked onto Jongho's name.


i have detention after the class

thx <3 🔪

you're welcome <3

at least we're going to be

bruhhh no

you're going to have to endure me

sorry not sorry

Yeosang changed the name to 'Asshole'

what was that for? :<


why not?

Seen 10:56am

Yeosang placed his phone back in the pocked and sighed at the thought.

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