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Yeosang blinked as he stared at the male in front of him. He expected Wooyoung, but he just stared at his husband instead.


Jongho sighed. "Hey. Can we talk?.."

Yeosang shifted from one leg to another. He stared at the younger, but he just stared back. He was speechless, and Yeosang was getting confused now. Where is Wooyoung and why is Jongho here?

"Wooyoung isn't coming. I asked them to leave so we can talk , and thank god that they agreed." Jongho cut his train of thoughts.

Yeosang stared at him in confusion again. So this was all a plan?

It suddenly felt so warm and comforting. Yeosang doesn't know what it is, but it's definitely making him feel so safe just by seeing Jongho in front of him. Yeosang wanted to hug him so badly and kiss him to assure that everything is going to be okay, but he only nodded.

He let Jongho in, moving aside as the male let out a small smile before he came in and walked to the living room. Yeosang sat on the sofa that next to Jongho, biting his lip as he stared down at his lap.

The younger suddenly cleared his throat.

"I.." Jongho started, making Yeosang look up to him.

"I came to explain things."

Yeosang blinked as he waited for him to continue. He loves Jongho, and he definitely wants to hear his explanation. It might just be an misunderstanding again, but Yeosang still doesn't want to jump and forgive him like it was nothing.

"I'm very sorry I lied to you. I didn't know what to do because I thought you would be mad if I told you she texted me."

"Jongho, I'm more upset because you lied to me. Not because she texted you." Yeosang cut him off before he could even finish.

Jongho nodded. "I expected you would say that. I really didn't want to go with Haewon on such a special day, but when she texted me and said how I will never see you again if I don't see her now.." he mumbled.

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"She said what?"

Jongho sighed before he took out the phone out of his shorts. Yeosang stared at him all the time, waiting for him to do something. He did a quick unlocking before he moved closer to Yeosang, now sitting next to him as he let the male take the phone in his hand.

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows again before he started reading the text messages between Jongho and Haewon.

"What the fuck?.." He mumbled after a few minutes.

Jongho looked up from his hands, nodding at Yeosang who gave him back his phone.
The older sighed at all of that.

"The police said how it's enough evidence, and they will put her in jail when they find her. But they called me not too long ago."

Yeosang blinked as he turned to look at Jongho who sighed before running his hand through his hair.

"They followed her and saw her with your dad." Jongho mumbled the rest.

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he mentioned his dad.


Jongho shut his eyes. "Yeah. I know it's too much to take in, but she apparently met him on some social media site and ever since they, she knew everything about marriage."

"And- And what does my dad have to do anything with it?" Yeosang's voice shook as he asked.

Jongho bit the inside of his cheek.

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