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Jongho sipped onto his wine as he shifted in the sofa. He felt so uneasy, and the quietness just made it worse.

It was all starting, making him look down onto his lap. He only looked up a few minutes later when he heard the front door opening and closing.

A smile appeared at his face as he saw the familiar black haired girl walking into the living room. Her tight black dress showed off her hourglass figure as she walked until she was in front of Jongho.

"Missed me now?" Haewon said with that flirty voice of hers, titling her head as she laughed a bit afterwards.

Jongho smirked. "Of course I did. Who wouldn't miss such a pretty girl?"

Haewon giggled before she started to walk towards Jongho, her heels echoing through the room as the male placed his glass down.

"You never changed. I knew you still love me the way you used to. You finally changed your mind."

Jongho hummed, grabbing onto her hips and smiling at her.

"Of course I love you. Why would I forget about the most beautiful girl in the world?"

Haewon giggled again, placing her hand onto his shoulder and pushing him so Jongho was laying against the sofa.

"Then why won't you show me how much you missed me and forgot about your husband already then?" She whispered as she started to climb onto Jongho's lap.

She was straddling as the male was holding her hips, humming once again before he leaned closer so their heads were inches away.

"Oh, I will show you." Jongho mumbled.

Haewon smirked before she leaned in, and their lips were connected. Jongho immediately moved their lips together, hands gripping her hips tighter. She opened her mouth before sliding her tongue inside of Jongho's, moaning into his mouth before she pulled away.

"I knew you never liked that gay fucker. You were just using him and now that he is pregnant you feel bad to leave, even if we both know I'm so much better than him.." Haewon mumbled as she started unbuttoning the buttons on Jongho's shirt.

"Of course you are." He mumbled back before he kissed her again.

Haewon moaned as her hand came to grip his hair, tongues dancing together and her lipstick smearing all over their faces.

"You know? I came back from japan the moment you texted me that you wanted me back. I missed you so much, oppa.." She mumbled once again when they were parted with a string of spit connecting from their mouths.

She kissed him again. "I'm so much better than him.."

Jongho hummed. "You think so?"

"Mhm..what if we go to Japan together and have a nice life there? No one will bother us ever again if you just decided to leave-"

Her eyes went wide and body stiff when she felt something cold pressing against the side of her head.

"And i think the trip to the jail will be the last vacation you will ever go." The policeman spoke with a smirk visible in his voice.

"It's all over now. You can't leave." He spoke up again.

Haewon moved away, looking at the man before she gulped.

winced in pain when her wrist was grabbed and she was turned around so she was pressed against the sofa. Jongho immediately got up, fixing his outfit before walking over to the three other policemen who had guns pointed at her.

He watched the whole scene until a familiar voice called his name. Jongho turned his head, smiling immediately as he saw Yeosang. The male immediately hugged him, definitely feeling better now that it's all over. Jongho felt him sobbing not too long after.

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