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Yeosang sobbed as he wiped away his tears in a way to stop them rolling down his cheeks.

He couldn't believe he was crying over something stupid like this. Damn the hormones and everything that is making him so emotional! Jongho was coming home any minute now, and he can't see him like this, specially because he was crying over something stupid like this.

"Hey, I'm b- Yeo baby, why are you crying?"

Wow, thank you luck.

Jongho immediately walked over to him, kneeling down in the floor next to him and taking his cheeks in his hands. He lifted Yeosang's head and looked at him with pity in eyes.

"What's wrong honey?"

Yeosang shook his head. "Not-Nothing.."

Jongho wiped away his tears with his thumb before titling his head. He won't let go until he knows the real answer, and Yeosang knew it.

"It's definitely not nothing if it's making you cry."

Yeosang sniffed again. "It's stupid.."

He can't have Jongho listening to him crying over something so stupid. It must have been the hormones making him cry, even if he wasn't 100% sure if it was it.

"No, it's not. Please baby, tell me. I want to know everything and you know i won't judge you."

Jongho is a sweetheart, of course he won't judge Yeosang about anything. He loves him too much to do that and Yeosang knows it.

Yeosang gulped before he wiped his tears again. "It's really stupid..."

"Come on babe." Jongho petted his head, pressing a kiss onto his forehead afterwards.

Yeosang sniffed once again before he took a deep breath to calm himself down. Jongho patiently waited for him to calm down until he was completely ready to talk, definitely being all ears for his husband.

"I was watching a video about animals.." He sniffed again.

"And?" Jongho asked in confusion.

"I saw little baby ducks following their mom in a line.." Yeosang sobbed as tears started to dry on his cheeks.

Jongho raised his eyebrows. "That's it?"

Yeosang nodded, and almost immediately after, Jongho let out a small aw as he sat next to his husband. Warm arms were wrapped around Yeosang's body, pulling the male close so he was laying his head on Jongho's shoulder.

The younger kissed his head. "That's why you were crying?"

"They were cute, I couldn't help myself!" Yeosang pouted.

Jongho laughed as he nuzzled his face into the black locks. "My god, I though it was more serious. I though something happened so you are sad."

"But they were adorable! They looked so small walking like that and one of them even had a black mark on their body!" Yeosang pouted even more.

"I can't believe you cried about that." Jongho smiled. 

"Don't laugh at me! You know I can't control my emotions now."

Jongho smiled. "I'm not laughing at you. I think it's cute."

"It's was a stupid reason. And it definitely isn't cute or anything else." Yeosang grumbled.

Jongho kissed his head again. "It is."

The male rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm hungry."

Jongho raised his eyebrow. "Again? But you said that you were eating chicken for dinner almost an hour ago when I texted you."

"So? An hour is an hour." Yeosang shrugged.

Jongho laughed. "And you're hungry again?"

Yeosang squinted his eyes. "Jongho, I'm almost seven months pregnant. Do you think I care that I ate an hour ago? Yes, I'm hungry again because I'm eating for three."

He pointed at his belly while saying that, and Jongho just had to laugh.

"I'm kidding. It's okay if you are hungry again, I am too." he petted the baby bump, smiling lightly before he looked up to his husband again.

"You wanna go out for dinner? We haven't been on a date for a long time." Jongho suggested, and Yeosang immediately perked up on the mention of dinner.

He nodded. "You're right, we didn't. Let's go out then."

Jongho nodded before he leaned over and pressed their lips together. Yeosang finally smiled as he kissed back, holding onto Jongho's nape with his palms.

"I didn't kiss you today, so I need to fill the space for it now." The younger smiled.

Yeosang hummed as he stole a kiss again, and again. Jongho ended up kissing him for a couple of minutes, clearly missing his husband like he hasn't seen him in ages when in fact it has only been a couple of hours. He smiled when they pulled away.

"Let me go change and we can go eat then?"

Yeosang nodded before he let go of his husband, letting him go to change since the poor man was probably cooking in his work clothes because it was summer and probably like 293749373938 degrees out.

Jongho disappeared into their room, leaving Yeosang alone. The male grabbed the stuff he needs and could reach since he can't get up from couch in meantime.

"Okay, I'm back." Jongho said as he came into the living room while putting on the simple black t-shirt that fitted him so well.

Yeosang gave himself time to admire the way Jongho's muscles were shown because of the tightness of shirt. He didn't even bother being subtile about it, instead eyeing Jongho's body and letting his eyes run around it like crazy.

Jongho smiled. "What is it?"

Yeosang innocently shook his head, pretending like he was doing nothing and just smiling at his husband.

"I didn't say anything. You just look very good like this."

Jongho shook his head before he walked over to his husband and messed his hair lightly. Yeosang let out a small whine as he tried pushing Jongho's strong arm away.

"You messed up my hair.."

Jongho kissed his forehead as an apology.

"Sorry babe. I really didn't mean to, but let's go?" He nodded towards the way of the door while having keys in his hand.

"I would love to, but I can't get up." Yeosang whined.

Jongho chuckled before he gave his two hands out to Yeosang, who immediately caught them and held as his husband lifted him up.

Yeosang let out a sigh before hugging Jongho lightly and fixing his dress afterwards. "Thank you."

Jongho smiled before he placed his hand on his stomach. "You guys are not even here and yet you are causing so much problems for mama."

The older smiled as Jongho talked to their kids like they could understand anything.

"But we love them." Yeosang finished.

Jongho nodded. "Love them more than anything in this world."

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