~Bonus #5~

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Yeosang let out a small sigh as he kept rocking the baby in his hands.

Baby Hanjae came to the world 2 days ago, and Yeosang just can't wait to see Hyunwoo and Haneul's reaction. He knew how excited they were just by talking about their brother coming soon. Yeosang just hoped they won't be upset whenever the baby cried.

Hanjae was calm for now, unlike the twins when they were babies. It could be the domino affect when one of them cried, then the other one also cried because of a loud noise.

Hanjae already reminded Yeosang of them when they were small, almost looking the same as they did except for his eyes being a little smaller than their. And besides that, Hanjae already had the color of Yeosang's eyes while Haneul and Hyunwoo had Jongho's.

Jongho went to get the twins from his parent's house since they were there while Yeosang was at the hospital almost for the last 2 days. It made him so exhausted, but he was over the moon. 

Yeosang's mom was also there, sharing the happy vibe of being a grandma now that no one is there to stop her anymore. He missed them a lot, but he knew how excited they are going to be. He just hoped they won't drop or hit the baby.

"Oh, oh, oh.. don't cry." Yeosang mumbled when Hanjae started to whine.

He placed the baby against his chest, petting his small back a bit and looking up when the door opened and closed quietly.

Jongho mumbled "Be quiet.." as he closed the door carefully as the twins walked over to Yeosang in silence.

He immediately smiled as they saw the baby in his arms, looking at him in awe and gasping at the sight.  Hyunwoo let out a small giggle as Jongho sat down next to him.

"What's up?" Yeosang mumbled as he smiled at the twins, fixing Hanjae's position so he was holding him in his arm.

Haneul blinked as she stuck her hand out and rubbed his hair a bit lightly.

"He has a lot of hair.."

Hyunwoo still stared at his baby brother in confusion, making Yeosang chuckle as he saw the reaction of his oldest kid.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a smile.

He also blinked. "He is so small.."

The little boy mumbled as he watched Hanjae move a bit in Yeosang's arms. Jongho felt his heart melt at the sight of his kids watching their younger sibling.

"Yeah, he is. You guys wanna hold baby Hanjae?" Yeosang whispered carefully.

Haneul was the first one to look up and nod, making both of the adult laugh a bit as Hyunwoo still just stared at Hanjae. It was something between an awe and confusion, and it was too adorable for them to take.

"Come on, sit down. It will be easier like that." Jongho said as he petted the place on the sofa.

Haneul sat down, and Yeosang immediately got up. Hanjae let out a small whine as he lost warmth from Yeosang when he was placed on top of Haneul. He immediately realized how small Hanjae was actually, but Yeosang knew that he could literally wear the twin's clothes in a couple of months.

"Hey, you need to hold him. He is still very little and we need to be careful with him." Jongho said as he helped Haneul to hold Hanjae.

The girl placed her hands on his little body to hold him, smiling at it as she leaned over a bit and pressed a light kiss on Hanjae's small head. Hyunwoo climbed up on the sofa, sitting next to them and mumbling something to Hanjae.

He definitely didn't understand a a thing at all and instead watched his brother in mostly confusion, but let out tiny smiles at him. The baby seemed to relax in his sister's hold as he just lied there and watched Hyunwoo and Haneul talk to him.

Yeosang felt his heart beat so fast, and he definitely felt so much love when he watched the three of his kids. Tears started to flood his eyes as he stared at them, and Yeosang did his best to keep in his tears. Jongho wrapped his arm around his shoulders, pressing a kiss onto his cheek and staying close to Yeosang.

"They are the cutest.." He mumbled to his husband.

Yeosang sobbed. "I don't know why is this making me so emotional.."

He felt tears start to roll down his cheeks, sobbing quietly as he felt so overwhelmed just by watching his kids.

It was an amazing feeling, no matter how Yeosang knew it was going to be exhausting until they don't get used to it.

"I was worried for nothing. They beat all my expectations, my big angels." Yeosang mumbled as he wiped away his tears.

Jongho smiled as he rubbed his back, kissing his cheek once again and making Yeosang let out tiny sobs.

"My turn now!" Hyunwoo exclaimed as he gave out his hands, expecting to hold Hanjae now.

Jongho was quick to help, lifting the little boy from Haneul and placing Hanjae on Hyunwoo's torso just like he did to Haneul. Hanjae let out a small noise, but it didn't last long as he just relaxed on top of Hyunwoo too.

"I will teach you how to play football, and we will shoot penalties together!" Hyunwoo mumbled to Hanjae who just let out a small noise.

"And I will teach you how to make origami!" Haneul added as she raised her hands in the air, showing how excited she is.

Yeosang and Jongho just had to let out a small chuckle as he saw it, but he sobbed again when him and Haneul started explaining how they are going to go on the trips like a real family.

"Jongho, they have grown up so much.." Yeosang mumbled to his husband and lied his head on his shoulder.

The younger nodded as he kept him close.

"They are so big now. I'm so proud of them.." He mumbled as he stared at his kids.

Yeosang felt so emotional now, and he couldn't stop his tears from rolling down. It must have been his parent instincts kicking in, but he didn't care at all now. He never felt more happy in his life. Yeosang finally has a love of his life and three beautiful kids, which he thought he will never have.

Jongho is the best husband and a father ever, and it made Yeosang feel better about himself than he ever did.

They all were together like a real family now, and that's all it mattered.

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