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"Babe, are you done? I wanna sleep already." Yeosang heard the whine in Jongho's voice as he knocked on the bathroom door.

He opened it for Jongho, laughing at his husband as he waited for him to finish showering with a huge pout on his face. Sometimes he really acts like a baby. 

"I just finished drying my hair, why are you waiting for me to sleep?"

"Wanna cuddle.." Jongho pouted.

Yeosang smiled at him before cupping his cheeks lightly and pressing a kiss on his lips. Jongho kissed back, even if it was for a split moment.

"Let me just put some cream on and i will join you in bed?"

Jongho nodded before stealing a kiss again. He let Yeosang do his stuff as he sat on Yeosang's side of the bed and waited for him to come.

He watched as Yeosang applied some cream on his face. Jongho smiled lightly after he looked at his husband's baby bump that was covered in just a thin layer of an sleeveless undershirt and an pajama pants.

"The baby has grown so much, I didn't even know it was this much."

Yeosang smiled as he looked down and giving it a small rub, also not being able to process he was growing a life inside of him. The baby is really big now, and he still wasn't used to it fully. 

"It really did. Didn't you notice it earlier?"

Jongho pouted. "I did, but you always wear my clothes that hide your stomach and I don't see it a lot then."

Yeosang chuckled as he closed the door and turned off the lights, now walking over to Jongho and placing his hands on the younger's shoulders.

"I wear your clothes because they fit me the best now. None of my clothes go over my stomach now." Yeosang pouted as Jongho grabbed him by his hips.

"But i don't have anything to wear now!"

"I'm sorry, don't be mad?" Yeosang used his soft side on Jongho not to make him upset.

"I'm not mad, of course. What do you think we should do? You can't keep wearing my clothes till the end of the pregnancy since they will probably stop fitting you in literally a month."

Jongho rubbed his hips, looking up to Yeosang as he talked.

Yeosang hummed. "I read that dresses are the best for it, and so many people recommended it. I already ordered one, but I kinda feel scared to wear it."

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows as he tilted his head. "Why would you be scared of wearing a dress? You are pregnant and it's normal."

Yeosang shrugged. "I feel like I'm going to be judged."

Jongho's face immediately turned into a frown. Why would he ever think about it like that? No one is going to judge him, and even if they do, Jongho will surely make sure they don't think about it again.

"Love no, even if people stare at you, you did nothing wrong. Who cares? Let them think whatever they want as long as you feel good about yourself. I can promise you that you will look amazing."

Yeosang smiled at Jongho's words. He was so nice towards him, always making him feel good about himself even at the worst moments. 

"Thank you, really."

Jongho smiled back before he pressed a kiss on the baby bump. He rubbed his nose against it as Yeosang kept him close by a hand behind his head. The male smiled as his husband kissed their baby again.

"It's okay, appa is here now.." Jongho mumbled as he kept his hand on Yeosang's stomach.

Yeosang didn't want to break his the moment with their child, instead staying quiet and listening to Jongho whispering to the baby like it could hear him.

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