~Bonus #3~

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"Yeosang...babe, wake up." Jongho's soft voice whispered into Yeosang's ear as a kiss was placed onto his neck.

Yeosang squirmed lightly, furrowing his eyebrows and pulling the blanket closer to him. There was no sound heard from the kids, only Jongho's voice that was making him shiver.

"Love, I made breakfast. It's almost 11 now."

Yeosang could hear the pout in his voice as he kept whispering in his ear and shaking him to wake up.

"Hm?..." He mumbled in confusion, rolling back to his back and opening his puffy eyes.

Jongho smiled at him before petting his hair lightly. He leaned over and pressed a kiss onto his forehead, rubbing his cheek afterwards.

Yeosang blinked slowly before he rubbed his eye. He realized how awfully quiet it was, literally no noise from the toddlers.

"Where are Haneul and Hyunwoo? I though you were picking them up from your parent's house last night..."

Jongho hummed. "My mom didn't want them to leave, and by their looks they didn't even want to think about it."

Yeosang chuckled. "Your parents really love them. I thought they were going to play with Minjun today."

Minjun was the son of Seonghwa and Hongjoong. He was slightly younger than Hyunwoo and Haneul, but they didn't care as long as they had fun. He looked so much like Seonghwa even at the early age, like a literal mini version of him but pulled Hongjoong's personalities more.

"I also thought, but seems like they aren't. They would rather watch cartoons all day than go out and play."

"Don't act like you weren't like that when you were a kid." Yeosang rolled his eyes as he placed his leg over Jongho's hips and his head on his chest.

"I was, not gonna lie."

Yeosang smiled as Jongho started to run his hand through his hair again.

"What did you make for breakfast?"

Jongho let out a small hum. "Nothing. I just said that to wake you up since i was bored."

Yeosang groaned as he fixed his position so he was now looking at Jongho. "Are you serious now?"

"Mhm." He nodded.

The male rolled his eyes at his husband, making Jongho chuckle as he pressed their lips together.

"Well, isn't that good for us?" He whispered when they parted, rubbing Yeosang's cheek slowly.

He raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"We are alone now." Jongho mumbled again, hinting onto what he wants.

Yeosang still looked confused, or he was just acting. It has been a long time since they were alone, and Jongho wanted to spend this time the best he can.

Jongho bit his lip. "We didn't do it for a long time..."

The male let out a small 'oh' as he got what Jongho meant. Yeosang blushed a bit when he felt a hand sneak under his shirt to touch the skin on his back.


He let out a small hum as he started to kiss down to his neck. Yeosang placed his hand on Jongho's shoulder as he tried to keep in his moans, getting sensitive as Jongho sat him down so he was straddling his thighs.

Yeosang's shirt was soon off and their lips were connected once again. Jongho's tongue slipped into his mouth almost immediately, and Yeosang just couldn't wait to touch him anymore.

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