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Jongho closed the door, but didn't move after realizing how quiet it was. Yeosang would usually listen to music or watch some videos, but nothing was heard now.

And the lights were off too, except the ones in the hallway. It's so weird. So he took off his shoes and walked to the living room. Jongho let out a sigh when he saw his husband sitting there. Yeosang was looking down in his hands, but he seemed distracted. Jongho smiled before he walked to him.

"Hey, what's up?"

Jongho lied his stuff on the table before turning to Yeosang and looking at him.

"You're trying to be romantic with all the lights off?" He joked before pressing a kiss on his cheek.

But Yeosang however stayed serious. He sighed, and that made Jongho stop smiling immediately.


"Can you sit down?" The older mumbled.

The male immediately obeyed, walking and then sitting in front of Yeosang. He looked up to Jongho who was more confused than ever.

"Yeosang talk to me. What's wrong baby? What did I do?"

Yeosang rubbed his eyes tiredly, but he still stayed quiet. Jongho widened his eyes as he waited for any type of reply.

"Can you even hear me? Yeosang-"

"Jongho, are you cheating on me?" Yeosang looked up to him with those piercing eyes.

Jongho stared at him for a couple of seconds before he moved away and resting on the sofa in shock.

"W-what? Where did you even hear that?"

"Jongho, just tell me. I would rather hear the truth-"

"I'm not cheating! What the fuck?"

Yeosang shook his head as tears started plodding his eyes. Jongho took his hand, but it was soon pulled from his grasp.

"Then who is Haewon?"

Jongho titled his head. He did know one Haewon, but he wasn't cheating! Yeosang sniffed as tears started rolling down his cheeks. Jongho wanted to hug him and kiss his forehead to prove him there is no Haewon who he is cheating with.

"Yeosang, what happened?"

He wiped his tear away. "T-there was a women. She came here and searched for you, but when I asked her who she was.."

"What did she say?"

"She said how she was your girlfriend.."

Jongho looked at him before he closed his eyes and sighed. He rubbed his forehead tiredly, trying to find a way to explain it somehow.

"Baby look-"

"Don't 'baby' me Jongho." Yeosang snapped.

Jongho looked at him in shock. Yeosang was never this mad at him, and it sounded like he wanted to kill him.

"I want you to answer me for real."

"But I am honest! I'm not cheating on you, for fuck's sake! You are carrying my child, why would I cheat?"

"Then why are you not telling me who Haewon is?!"

Jongho exhaled before he shook his head.

"It's complicated-"

"Or you just don't want to tell me." Yeosang cut him off, now sounding a bit calmer than before.

Jongho stared at his husband and bit inside of his cheek. He wanted Yeosang to trust him, but something was holding him back. He was pulled out of his dreams when Yeosang sighed and stood up.

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