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Yeosang groaned as pain kept hitting through his abdomen.

He couldn't feel anything except pain. His lower body was numb, and everything was blurry as he held onto Jongho's hand even harder. The praises younger male has said to him were forgotten due to everything that has happened in such a small amount of time.

Groaning once again, Yeosang fell onto the hospital bed. His breath was fast and eyes closed as he felt something rubbing onto his cheek.

"-Sang? Yeosang baby, do you hear me?" Jongho's soft voice asked as he petted his hair lightly.

Yeosang slowly opened his eyes, feeling the pain in his stomach once again as he let out a sigh.

"Are you with me?" Jongho asked again.

Yeosang couldn't do anything else than nod, making Jongho immediately smile as he leaned in to press a kiss onto his temple.

"It's okay, it's all over now my love."

Even if Jongho's words weren't really comforting now, Yeosang knew it was going to go away.

And it was just like all Yeosang's pain was gone when he heard babies cry.

He opened his eyes wide as he saw two nurses with a baby in each one of their hands.

Yeosang immediately let out a smile like nothing has ever happened at the same time Jongho gasped. Each of the babies were wrapped in a small white fabric that looked like a towel to Yeosang, and he couldn't help but to give his hands out.

"Here you go.." The nurse mumbled as she placed Hyunwoo into Yeosang's arms as Jongho looked at their baby boy all the time.

Yeosang placed the baby onto his naked chest for some skin to skin contact, still having space left for Haneul too.

He let out a shaky breath as both babies were now on his chest. Yeosang immediately realized how similar they looked, taking a good look on both of them. They both had big eyes and a lot of dark hair for newborns, looking exactly the same except for Hyunwoo's nose being a little sharper than Haneul's.

Haneul seemed to calm down as she was in Yeosang's arms a few minutes later while her brother still cried loudly.

"Oh my god..." Jongho whispered as he looked at their kids, almost breaking down in tears as he smiled.

Both of them were so small, literally fitting onto Yeosang's chest without any problem. Their pale skin and the wetness that was felt on Yeosang's body from the fluid was now totally unimportant when they were near them.

It felt so amazing to finally hold his kids in his arms.

"They are so small..." Jongho mumbled as he sniffed, smile not leaving his face as he placed his hand onto Haneul's small back with the other on Hyunwoo's.

Yeosang had to smile back, letting his tears fall down. He didn't care that he was in pain or that he looked ugly like this.

As long as Hyunwoo and Haneul were in his arms and Jongho with them, Yeosang's heart is full. When he finally calmed down completely, Yeosang pressed a little kiss on each of their heads before he looked up to Jongho.

"I love them so much.." Yeosang mumbled out.

Jongho smiled at him before he leaned down and pressed their lips together.

"I love them a lot too. You did a great job, my love."

Yeosang smiled at him before he pressed their lips together again, still holding both of the babies on his chest and supporting them by his arms.

A small clicking sound was heard, making them pull away in confusion. One of the nurses had the small polaroid camera that prints out a picture.

"Sorry for an interruption. We like to take some pictures of the couples with their newborns and give them as a gift to the parents, we just hope you don't mind." The nurse smiled nervously.

Jongho smiled. "It's alright."

"It's a nice memory after all. I wish any memory with them to be photographed."
Yeosang finished as the nurses gave Jongho the picture.

It was the picture of them kissing while Yeosang held their kids with Jongho's palms lightly on top of them. The position might look awkward but they didn't care again.

Everything is perfect now, and Yeosang can't wait to place the photo in their house.

Jongho smiled again as he placed the photo into his shorts. He leaned over and also pressed tiny kisses onto the babies heads. Just as Jongho started to remove his palms from their bodies and probably making them lose warmth, Hyunwoo started crying again and making Haneul cry too.

"No, no, no.. don't cry my loves." Yeosang mumbled as he sobbed and kissed their heads again lightly.

Jongho sniffed again before he smiled at Yeosang.

"Can I hold them?" He asked like Yeosang would never allow him to do that.

Yeosang nodded, and literally a second later Jongho was taking off his shirt. For once Yeosang wasn't thinking of it being hot, and instead almost crying as Jongho lifted Haneul up from his chest.

The little girl was still crying by the time Jongho held her in his arm, supporting her whole body just by one arm. One of the nurses helped to give him Hyunwoo too, allowing Jongho to sit down on the sofa that was in the corner of the hospital room so it would be easier for him.

As the little boy was placed in his arms, he immediately stopped crying. It was like Jongho was doing his best to comfort them when in fact he wasn't doing anything.

He smiled at them as he mumbled some words like 'Hey, it's your appa.' or 'you guys are my sun shines, yeah?' while looking between their kids.

Yeosang felt like his heart was going to explode from how cute that was. He never felt more exhausted, but he was also so happy for finally giving birth to the two beautiful kids. The nurses kept smiling at them and giving Jongho advices on how to hold them since he probably didn't have any experience with the whole thing.

"Are you guys cold? You probably are.." Jongho mumbled as he lightly shook his body to calm them down when they started to cry again.

"We are sorry to interrupt you, but we need to take babies to some searches to see if everything is okay and to wash them properly." The nurse gave them a warm smile.

Jongho nodded, knowing he will need to give them sooner or later since it is for their own good.

"Oh, of course."

The two same nurses thanked him and carefully took their kids and walked out. Jongho smiled as he pulled on his shirt, walking over to the bed where Yeosang was and sitting down before petting his hair lightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

Yeosang made a slight face of discomfort as he tried to move to look at Jongho.

"I'm fine, just my stomach hurts."

"Oh, I wonder why." Jongho rolled his eyes sarcastically.

Yeosang chuckled before he got lips pressing against his own. Jongho smiled against his lips before moving away and rubbing his cheek.

"Just rest, you are exhausted. You should sleep." Jongho mumbled as Yeosang started blinking.

Yeosang hummed. "I wanna hold them again."

Jongho smiled. "If I had the chance, I would never stop holding them. I love them so much I feel like I will die if I don't get them in a couple of hours."

Yeosang laughed. "Tell me about it. I'm ready for them waking up at night."

Jongho groaned, knowing that when one of them starts crying then the other also will due to the loud noise. He saw it when Haneul started crying just minutes ago.

"I love them either way. They are my little sun shines."

Yeosang shook his head before he puckered his lips for Jongho to kiss again.

Being parents is going to be so fun.

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