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"And you guys fucked?!-" Yeosang couldn't finish the sentence because a hand was placed against his mouth.

"Yes bitch, they did! Haven't you got it in the last 4 times he told you?" Mingi yelled at Yeosang.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes at them before taking some snack into his mouth. The few of them were over at Wooyoung's as the male called them to tell what happened a few days ago.

He sighed before placing his head in his hands. "Yes, I fucking had sex with San! The man I hated literally 3 months ago!"

"You only thought you hate him, you were actually in love." Seonghwa replied before taking a sip of his tea.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I keep ignoring his texts ever since he left
even if he said he will come over if I don't answer him-"

Someone spitted out the drink as Yeosang widened his eyes and looked up from the phone where he was texting his lovely husband.

"WHAT?!" Mingi and Yunho yelled at the same time.

"And you kept ignoring him? What the actual fuck?" Hongjoong asked.

Wooyoung sighed. "I don't know. It felt so weird to me and i don't know what to do now since he probably wants to talk to me about it."

Yeosang looked at his best friend. Wooyoung is such a loud person and always the one who is most energetic, but Yeosang just felt so concerned about him. San might still be an asshole he used to be, and Yeosang still doesn't trust him to the fullest. 

Okay, Wooyoung might have a crush on him but Yeosang still doesn't trust him.

"When did he even say that?" Hongjoong asked.

Wooyoung hummed. "That was the last text he sent like 30 mins- OH MY GOD!"


"Jesus Chris?" Yeosang asked when Yunho yelled.

"Stan Stray kids."

"So that means that he is coming over right now?!" Yeosang asked in panic.

"Yes, holy shit!" Wooyoung cried out.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Mingi yelled.

"Bitch stop yelling, the neighbors will call the police because of your loud asses!"
Hongjoong hissed.

"What do I do? Do I hide and don't answer him or should i just say that it was a mistake and make him leave?"

Yeosang was about to answer something, but the doorbell ringed. Wooyoung looked up to his friends in fear as they just looked back at him.

"Oh my god, what do I do?!"

"Shh.. calm down." Yeosang cupped his cheeks and made the male look him up in the eyes.

"Wooyoung, open the door! We need to talk." San's voice from the other side said as he knocked on the door.

Wooyoung looked at his friends in fear as they looked at him back. He sighed before gulping and taking Yeosang's hand and giving it a kiss.

"I will go talk to him. Can you guys leave us alone? I don't want to start an argument with you guys here."

Seonghwa hummed, and just as he was about to say something again, San knocked.

"Wooyoung, I'm serious. I'm going to knock the door down if you don't answer in a minute. I heard your voice inside."

Yunho raised his eyebrow. "You sure you want us to leave? We can stay here and make him leave-"

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