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"Sang, you good? You seem kinda pale." Hongjoong asked as he placed his hand on Yeosang's forehead.

"Babe, maybe he is just tired." Seonghwa said with a soft smile as he pulled his hand away.

The male smiled. "I'm okay. Just a bit stressed now."

Wooyoung hummed as he continued to chew his pasta. "Whrat's fwrong?"

Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Wooyoung just rolled his eyes back and slurped onto his pasta again. Seonghwa started to scold him for being too loud while eating while Hongjoong just laughed at his boyfriend sounding like a mom.

"So? What's bothering you my son?" The older asked as he turned to Yeosang.

The male sighed again. Yeosang isn't sure if he should say the truth or just say that it's the school since the graduation is coming up.

"It's just-"

Yeosang was cut off by Jongho passing by. He gave the blonde a glare before turning his head forward again.

"No way! Yeosang, are you in love with Choi Jongho?! You better be joking or else-"

"Wooyoung, no one is in love with him." Yeosang cut him off.

He sighed and mumbled. "At least not in the way it is supposed to be."

The three pair of eyes were on him again. Yeosang blinked as he looked between his friends, then sighed again.

Yeosang rubbed his forehead. "You guys know.. you've heard about arranged marriages, right?"

The three nodded and patiently waited for him to continue talking. Yeosang looked to the Jongho's direction and gulped.

"I-I'm getting married to Jongho." He said after a few moments.

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows and moved a bit back. "What? I though people stopped doing arranged marriages since 19th century! Even worse, Jongho?"

Hongjoong clapped his hands after a few moments of being shocked. "Holy shit, this is insane."

"Of course it is. Don't your parents know it's illegal to force you to get married without your consent? And why the hell did they even agree?!" Seonghwa asked in confusion.

Yeosang crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"I don't know." He stopped talking when he felt his voice crack in the middle. This made him feel like crying again and he couldn't do it in front of all those people.

Yeosang looked over to Jongho who seemed uninterested to talk with his friends and instead scroll through his phone. It seems like he noticed someone staring at him and looked up. He gave Yeosang a glare that made him look away. Yeosang sighed and let out a gulp as he remembered what Jongho said.

"We don't know each other and never been good.."

And at that moment, the male felt himself start to shake. He doesn't know what happened, but his heart started racing again. Yeosang closed his eyes and breathed in and out deeply. It was the same feeling he had when he started getting anxiety attacks, and it didn't happen for years.

It started happening after he met Jongho.

"Yeosang- Yeosang, are you okay?" Hongjoong asked a bit louder than he should have, making a few students look at them as he shook his friend.

The male let out a deep breath before closing his eyes. His hands were still shaking and Yeosang quietly prayed in his mind that nothing happens.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine.. I just need.. air." He mumbled before looking over to Jongho again and getting up a second later.

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