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(Jongho's side of the story from what happened)

"Yeo baby, do you know where did I put my glasses? I can't see them anywhere."

Jongho let out a breath he was holding when he looked at Yeosang who was finishing his makeup. The male looked so beautiful like this. He wore a beautiful white dress that fitted his pregnant figure so good, and Jongho would lie if he didn't fall in love even more.

He was literally glowing due to how pretty he looked. Okay, Yeosang was naturally very beautiful, but ever since he got pregnant Jongho can't take his eyes off of him.

"Didn't you leave them downstairs? I remember seeing them there..." Yeosang mumbled as he smacked his lips together.

For a second Jongho forgot what he asked. He nodded dumbfoundedly, still staring at Yeosang in awe. The male turned to him with a smile after he saw Jongho's face as he didn't reply for a couple of seconds. 

"What's up?"

He shook his head as he wanted to say everything he thought about Yeosang.

"You look beautiful. I knew you would look beautiful, but I never expected you to look like this."

Jongho saw the small blush on his husband's face before he fixed his dress again. He smiled at Yeosang's cuteness, trying not to kiss his cheeks due to how cute he looked.

"Thank you." Yeosang mumbled as he looked up.

Jongho walked to him and cupped his cheeks lightly, pulling the male closer and pressing their lips together. He tried not to push Yeosang too close to him due to his baby bump being too big now, but Jongho still loved it the way it was.

They pulled away soon to let Yeosang finish getting ready. Jongho looked around everywhere in the living room, and he finally found his glasses. Just as he putted them on, his phone buzzed. Jongho's eyebrows furrowed as he wondered who would need him now since he took a free day.

Jongho took his phone that was on the table, tapping onto the screen that gave a picture of Yeosang smiling while doing the mini heart on one of their dates that Jongho used as his lock screen.

Smiling a bit, he opened the messages app. Jongho's smile turned into a frown when he saw the familiar name that has sent him a message.

Oppa, did you already forget about me?

Jongho stared at the text in confusion. He thought he blocked Haewon's number ever since they broke up, but seems like he was wrong.

"What the fuck does she want?" He mumbled to himself, furrowing his eyebrows as he thought what should he reply. Or should he even.

what the fuck do you want?

Don't talk to me like that.

I could ruin your life just by sending him a couple of pictures

just dare

I will.

You call that slut a husband?

I'm way better than him

he is a slut? then what are you?

at least he is not plastic like you bitch

I can just show him a picture and you will be done.

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