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Yeosang sighed as he looked down at his drink.

It was all over now. They have said their yes, even though they didn't want to and it was all over now.

He is married to Jongho. There is no going back now. It was all too much for Yeosang to take in, specially at the short amount of time and space. He begun wondering how will it be since Jongho and him won't be living with Eunsu and Daniel anymore.

Yeosang remembers they were saying something about the house and them moving in when he first met the family. It was....scary.

He knows he shouldn't be scared now. He knows the family, Jongho, how it works out and pretty much everything about it. But Yeosang is more scared about getting a family then everything. How will he explain his kids what happened between his dad and him?

All of this started making Yeosang feel like he was about to cry. Even the loud music can't get him out of his thoughts. The people were everywhere, and most of them Yeosang didn't even know or see. They were probably people from the family or the company.

Wooyoung, Hongjoong and Seonghwa were also at the wedding but they had to leave not too long ago since they had school tomorrow and other things to do.

Jongho was away, probably trying to process all of it like Yeosang does. Or at least is trying to.

It was making him tired. Yeosang closed his eyes and tried to get his head to stop hurting, or to stop himself from crying, but it didn't really work. Tears slowly started filling his eyes and Yeosang wasn't sure if it was because of everything or just because he was tired.

However, a hand on his shoulder made Yeosang open his eyes. He looked back, and Jongho was standing there. His now husband- or boyfriend looked so handsome in a suite and a tie. Yeosang doesn't know when did he even start admiring Jongho, but he definitely couldn't help himself.

"Hey, let's go."

Yeosang blinked. "Where?"

"Didn't they tell you? We are going to visit the house. I want to show you around." Jongho explained.


"Ah, okay.." He got up not to keep Jongho waiting.

They walked to Jongho's car in silence, and it stayed like that. Yeosang was left to his own thoughts, and Jongho focused on driving instead of talking. Yeosang looked down at his hands, and his anxiety was killing him.

He felt so unsure of everything, even though he knows it's far away from the joke. Yeosang just knows they don't have a choice in this. They never had. And he would better make kids when he wants it instead of when he is forced.

Jongho soon parked outside of a huge house. It had a lot of windows and kinda reminded Yeosang of the house of his parents in law.

"Sang? Are you coming?" Jongho's voice pulled him out of his thoughts as he kept staring at the house.

The nickname was unexpected, specially from Jongho who just seemed so chill about all of this. 

Yeosang looked at him and nodded a few moments later, and before he knew it, Jongho had his hand around his shoulders as they looked around the house. It was nice. Yeosang couldn't say anything about it, but it was all just too weird. It had a lot of spare bedrooms and all of the rooms were too big by Yeosang's opinion.

"And this is our room.." Jongho mumbled the last sentence.

Yeosang stopped moving and looked at him. "Ours?"

Jongho scratched the back of his neck.

"They thought we should share the room since we are married now, but I can take one of the guest rooms-"

"But we already slept together?" Yeosang questioned.

Jongho shrugged before walking to the bed and sitting down as Yeosang kept standing there.

"I was just offering not to make you uncomfortable, but since you seem like you don't mind." He finished with a smile.

Yeosang sent him a nod before walking a few steps back to lean against the door's frame. He let out a tired sigh before crossing his hands, just wanting to sleep. However, Jongho looked up to him. The younger looked at him for a few moments before asking.

"Are you okay?"

Yeosang gulped as he felt tears fill eyes again. He let out a sigh before looking up to Jongho.

"Not really.."

Jongho stared at him with those pitiful eyes. He remained on the bed but a few buttons on his shirt were now open. He knows that Yeosang is just upset about all of this as much as he was, but he just wanted to ease things up. 

"What's wrong?" Jongho asked despite knowing well what is wrong.

Yeosang's breath hitched as he didn't look Jongho in the eyes.

"I-..I'm scared."

He could feel Jongho lick his lips and just continued staring at him. Yeosang couldn't help himself and sobbed when a tear rolled down his cheek.

"What are you scared of?" Jongho whispered.

Yeosang sighed as he still didn't look up from the floor.

"I don't know, i just- I don't feel okay."

Jongho licked his lips once again before getting up and walking over to his husband. Yeosang kept his head down as tears continued rolling down his cheeks.

He wrapped one arm around the blonde's waist, pulling him closer and keeping the hand on his back. Jongho lifted his hand up and moved a small part of Yeosang's hair out of his face and cupped his cheek.

"Hey, look at me." Jongho softly said.

Yeosang sobbed again before his head was lifted up. He looked Jongho in the eyes, and all he felt was embarrassment because he literally cried in front of Jongho.

"You got nothing to be scared of. I promise I will do everything to keep you safe and
you won't have to be worried about anything. I'm here for you."

Yeosang closed his eyes as tears calmed down a bit, but he still sobbed. He lifted his hands up to hold them on top of Jongho's.

"Do you think I will be a good parent?" Yeosang mumbled.

Jongho bit inside of his cheek. "No one is a perfect parent, but I think you will be amazing."

And if that didn't make Yeosang want to cry even more.

"You will do amazing. I believe in you, and I'm staying here as long as you need it Yeosang. I will even take free days from the job just to be with you." He paused.

"You're strong Yeosang, I know you will be amazing."

And Yeosang started crying even harder. He wrapped his hands around Jongho's shoulders as his husband wrapped his own hand around his waist and the other was placed behind Yeosang's head.

Jongho pulled Yeosang's head to nuzzle into his shoulder as he petted the hair and soothed him a bit. Yeosang calmed down not too long after. They remained in that position, but Jongho started placing small kisses onto his neck to calm him down completely.

When the male parted from him, Jongho cupped his cheek and wiped away the tears with his thumb. He leaned over and pressed a kiss on the elder's lips for a few moments before moving away but connecting their foreheads.

"Shh.. don't cry. It doesn't suit you."

Yeosang sobbed for the last time before kissing Jongho's lips again and closing his eyes to stop crying.

Maybe this marriage won't be so bad after all.

A/N : Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are spending it with your loved ones <3

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